
Head Up

2024年5月2日 - 5分钟阅读

Sara Morgan

当你低下头的时候,你很难看清你周围发生了什么. As a matter of fact, keeping your head down is one way to appear isolated in the presence of others. 作为教师领导者, 我们应该立志保持我们的头,寻找机会来检查, engage, and explore. 检查我们周围的环境,确定正在发生什么, 与我们附近的人接触, 尤其是那些很容易被忽视的人, 探索什么是有效的, 需要改变什么?, 以及有哪些可供选择的方案. Keeping our heads up in our classroom or outside lets others know that we are interested, present, 和可用的.


在我教学生涯的早期, 在休班期间, 我一个人站在我指定的位置, 不知从哪里冒出来的, my principal approached and sternly reminded me that I needed to pay attention to what the children were doing. She directed my attention to a child who had climbed up the fencing of a baseball backstop. 谢天谢地,没有人受伤,但这是我应该注意到的安全问题. 20多年来,这一刻一直伴随着我. 虽然我当时在场,但我并没有观察周围的环境. I had drifted into a blank stare, going through the motions of recess supervision. 我们有多少次发现自己陷入了沉思, 查看手机, 或者在我们应该检查环境的时候赶上同事? 我们发现自己肩负着从一个地方到另一个地方的使命, 我们想念那些含泪的学生. We are listening to or scrolling through our messages and miss the unkind words spoken between people. Or we are talking to a colleague, and we miss the student who would like our attention. Let’s not exclude metaphorical heads-down behavior when we pop in a set of earphones or take a call on our way from one location to another. Honestly, a heads-down approach is anything we do that presents as unavailable to a passerby. We can engage in meaningful ways when we pull ourselves out of the distractions and intentionally examine our surroundings.



所有的空间都给了学生参与, 花点时间认识到教师参与的意义是公平的. 我服务过的一个地区有一句口头禅:“花一秒钟,做出改变。.“这看起来很简单,对吧?

Take a second to pick up a piece of trash and make a difference by beautifying the campus.
花点时间对学生微笑, 问问他们过得怎么样, 让他们知道他们被看到了,从而有所作为.
Take a second to hold the door open for someone behind you and make a difference through a simple gesture of kindness.
Take a second to compliment someone for their effort and make a difference by praising perseverance.
Take a second to recognize and clean up the mess you and your class have made in a communal space and make a difference by valuing the time of those who should not have to clean up after you.
Take a second to call or write a note to the parent of a child you know does not get good notes home often and make a difference by reminding the parent that someone at the school sees the goodness and beauty in their child.
Take a second and have your students write notes of appreciation to the classified staff on campus and make a difference by modeling the importance that, 在所有的事情上, 这需要一个村庄.
Take a second and notice someone who is always alone and make a difference by using your influence to connect them with activities or peers you know will be inclusive.
Take a second and help someone you see struggling in a rush or frustrated and make a difference by lightening the burden, 哪怕只是片刻.

当我们经常低着头时,很容易不花一秒钟的时间, 这可能意味着我们不会有所作为. Oh sure, one could argue that they are making a difference because they are deep in thought over an issue that has landed on their plate; they are making a difference because they are reading a book or an article on the latest engagement or intervention strategy; or maybe they are convinced that they are making a difference on a grander scale beyond the confines of their current space. 但事实是,当我们保持低调的时候, 我们无法注意到眼前正在发生的事情, 我们错过了影响变革的机会. 这是旧约《十大正规赌平台平台》中最著名的圣经格言之一, is, “为了这样的时刻.“埃斯特本可以低着头的, 末底改抬起头来,心里明白这一点, 她将能够探索拯救她的人民的可能性. 你有没有想过我会低调行事? 好吧,也许你被安排在学校就是为了这个时候. 不要因为你低着头就让机会从你身边溜走.


Taking a second to make a difference can create patterns that turn into long-term change, 作为教师领导, 我们应该寻找当下的机会来介入和加强. 我们还应该探索挑战现状的想法. Ideas that push against systems that perpetuate exclusionary ways of doing and thinking. However, I have realized that my amazing innovations of change fall flat when I do not do my due diligence of exploration. 更重要的是, 我明白了,当我的创新是由不受约束的情感引导时, 我陷入了混乱的旋风式的混乱中,而这些混乱常常导致我无处可去. Exploration as a heads-up action supports and strengthens the integrity of the initiative. 我是一个感情用事的人. 所以,我经常需要从探索我的“为什么”开始. 为什么这种改变对我很重要,为什么我对这个问题有深刻的感受? When I explore and define my why, I explore how others have worked toward a similar change. 我读书,我拜访,我谈话. I learn what works, the challenges I will face, and the obstacles I should avoid. 二语习得过程, there is a period where the learner is acquiring the second language but is not using it. 这被称为前期制作或静默期.I have learned that contemplative silence often generates ideas supporting the foundation of the change I want to enact. 让我抬头挺胸, 我的思想开放, 我的耳朵提供了避免错误和挫折的机会.

作为一名班主任,我们可以观察周围的环境. 我们带着意图和警觉走进空间, we make a point to be in the moment and purposeful about limiting distractions and we recognize what is working and not working which enables us to be change agents. 这是三篇简短文章中的第一篇. Look for more on layering the concepts of being a head up, heart out, and smile on teacher-leader.


Dr. Sara Morgan began her career in education as an instructional assistant at Salem Lutheran in Orange, California, before pursuing a teaching credentials in multiple subjects and education specialist fields. She obtained a Master of Arts from Chapman University and an administrative credential before serving as a Program Specialist for students with autism. In 2012, Dr. 摩根转到康考迪亚大学全职工作. 2023年,她获得了博士学位.D. 以残疾研究为主的教育.

菲律宾十大网赌网站. 摩根教授证书课程, 迎合多门课程的学生, 单一的学科, 以及教育专家证书. 她称赞这个项目的设计是为了融合所有的候选人, fostering a comprehensive understanding of child development and providing opportunities to incorporate inclusive teaching practices. Concordia students are uniquely positioned to grasp the nuances of the Establishment Clause and Dr. Morgan is dedicated to debunking misconceptions and fears surrounding religion in public education.

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