

我们希望你在国外有过愉快的经历. 在本节中, study abroad students who have returned will find assistance with administrative and cultural re-adjustment issues.


Just as studying abroad demanded a number of lifestyle changes, so too does returning home. The person you are now returning from abroad is not the same person who left in the first place. You have been transformed intellectually and personally and have successfully functioned in a culture entirely different from your own. You have new habits, values, and ideas, sometimes without even realizing it!

家庭, 朋友, and neighbors may find it difficult to comprehend the changes you have been through and may expect you to be the same person that left. It can be difficult for them to understand your whole transformative experience, and you may find it hard to balance fulfilling old roles and breaking in new ones. This strain and stress can sometimes invoke a sense of helplessness or a loss of identity. 这就是我们所说的反向文化冲击, where you’re learning who you are and how you fit into your culture after returning home from studying abroad.

事情并不像听起来那么糟. As long as you have an understanding of what you're going through, it's safe to say that not only will you push through these confusing and difficult times, 但会, 事实上, 出人头地.


While the stages of culture shock might seem complicated -- it turns out that reverse culture shock is even more of an emotional rollercoaster! Let’s break down the stages so you can understand what you might feel (or are currently feeling, 如果你刚回家!).


In the final days of studying abroad, you’ll probably feel excited and a bit nervous. After a few weeks or months abroad, you might wonder what has changed -- and how much it has changed. 你的朋友们最近在忙什么? 你的家人好吗?? 即使你已经 在国外学习期间保持联系,你可能不知道所发生的一切.

You board the plane home, arrive, catch up on sleep… and then what?


就像经历文化冲击一样, you might find that you experience a ‘honeymoon’ phase when you return from studying abroad. 家的舒适, 见到家人和朋友的喜悦, the ability to eat your favorite foods and watch your favorite shows, and the conveniences of the culture you grew up in will all feel great. It may seem like this phase will last forever (and we wish it could!).

For many study abroad students though, there are more emotional phases to experience.


几天或几周后, you might find yourself confused and/or frustrated by things that never bothered you before.

You might be frustrated by public transportation options at home after a semester of easily hopping on trains and buses to get around. 你可能想知道人们为什么要排队 这种方式 而不是排队 这种方式 就像你出国留学时他们做的那样. You might suddenly realize that some of those comforts and conveniences aren’t as comfortable or convenient as they were before -- because you’ve seen how the world works somewhere else, 也许他们有更好的做事方法!


Phase 3 almost always triggers Phase 4, which we’re calling bittersweet nostalgia. It’s that feeling when you deeply miss your study abroad experience and your host country. 你可能会想念你的新留学朋友, and maybe your host family too if you stayed with one.

You might find that you cycle through phases 3 and 4 a few times in the first few months after returning home from study abroad. 在此期间, you’re slowly reconciling your experiences abroad with your life back home (you may even realize that “home” is a much more fluid concept than you thought now that you’ve had more than one).

第五阶段:接受 & 订婚

At some point, you’ll eventually re-integrate with life at home. You might forget the specific details of something you experienced abroad that caused you frustration or confusion. You might fall out of touch with study abroad 朋友. These are an unfortunate reality of passing time, and it’s okay to feel a bit sad about them.

在这段时间里,你也会发现, you come to accept everything you used to know so well about home. 你将与家乡的朋友和家人重新建立联系, 重新参与你最喜欢的活动, and head back to campus ready to dive back into your college experience. The pangs of missing your study abroad experience will become fewer and farther between.


By stage 6, the final stage, you’re successfully through the worst parts of reverse culture shock. 唷!

This stage is where you can look back fondly on your study abroad experience, 也活在回家的那一刻. You may have wanderlust and already started planning your next trip -- but you’re also happy to be home. The highs and lows of the reverse culture shock rollercoaster are much less dramatic. Congratulations on making it through this complicated, emotional journey!


如果你还处于早期阶段, read on to learn some of our top tips for getting through reverse culture shock as easily as possible.

  1. 理解 & Accept You’re a Different Person After Studying Abroad

    Acknowledging and accepting the fact that you have changed through studying abroad is the first step to readjusting back home. Your worldview has inevitably been altered, and your 朋友 and family may not realize it.

    It’s hard to explain what you’re going through to people who haven’t experienced it. To make sense of your thoughts, consider keeping a journal to jot down your reflections. 你的文章不需要太长. 它可以像几个单词或几个句子一样简单. Getting it down on paper (or a computer doc) can serve as a good outlet to process your re-entry.

  2. 与海外留学校友联系

    The good part about today’s world is that you can connect with anyone with just a few simple clicks. If you’re missing the 朋友 you made while abroad, hop on Skype or shoot them an email. This won’t change the fact that you’re not together anymore, but it will help you share your experience adjusting to life back home with others who get it.

    在网上与人互动只能到此为止. Sometimes the best way to feel less “foreign” in your own country is to meet up with others who have gone through similar experiences. You might try joining a meetup of study abroad alumni or connecting with your study abroad office to plan an event for everyone who just got back from studying abroad. These types of experiences will help you connect with new people who also understand what you’re going through.

  3. 保持记忆鲜活

    Not everyone wants to hear you talk about the pigs’ feet you ate, 你爬过的冰川, 或者你浪漫的乘船之旅. A great way to express yourself to the right audience is through your own work. 以下是一些你可以实施的想法:

    • 创建自己的网站或博客: It’s super simple to set up your own blog these days. Writing for an audience can be a great way to organize your thoughts and stories. Your own site can also serve as a portfolio piece for a resume, 所以让你的帖子有见地, 独特的, 和有趣的.
    • 为其他网站写作: Often, travel sites look for writers to share their own knowledge about living in a particular city. If maintaining a site of your own is too much for you, write an article for another site that accepts travel articles. 到海外去 is always open to writers who can share stories on the topics we’re looking for.
    • 视频: 不喜欢写作? Consider posting videos on YouTube or Vimeo outlining your ideas on living abroad, 回家, and any other angle you feel would be helpful to yourself and others.
    • 创意: Make a scrapbook or frame pictures as a way to relive your memories. You can keep these items as memorabilia and show them to guests who ask about them.
  4. 回馈 & 鼓励他人出国留学

    One of the best ways to help get through reverse culture shock is by helping others get excited about the amazing, 你刚刚经历了改变人生的经历. 这里有一些建议让你开始:

    • 在留学办公室做志愿者(或工作): Often there are peer mentor positions at the study abroad office, 在哪里可以见到未来的学生, give them some little insight from your own experience, and help point them in the right direction before they speak with an advisor.
    • 在留学展销会和活动中担任志愿者; 同样的道理, most universities have various international education-focused events throughout the year, and they’re usually on the lookout for study abroad alumni to speak about their experiences -- whether it’s formally in a speech or panel, 或者管理餐桌.
    • 成为项目大使: 你喜欢你出国参加的项目吗? 联系他们成为校园大使. You’ll have the chance to represent your program at various events and fairs on campus, and who knows… maybe it will lead to something more!
    • 通过与国际学生一起工作来回馈社会: If your university has a lot of international students, they probably also have a lot of ways for local students to get involved. It could be something as simple as showing them around campus on their first days, or something as extensive as meeting every week for conversations to help them with their English.
  5. 探索自己的国家

    Just because you are back home doesn’t mean you have to stop traveling and experiencing new cultures. Find places and do things in your home country that remind you of the good times you had while overseas.

    你想念国外的食物吗? Find a restaurant that serves food from your host country. Better yet, make a meal yourself and have a dinner party teaching others about it. Or, go on new and exciting adventures to parks, events, or concerts. There are a lot of places you probably haven’t seen in your own country that need exploring. Why not take a road trip or even just a day trip to reawaken your sense of adventure? “宅度假”!”


It takes time to adjust to a new culture after studying abroad -- even when that culture is the one you grew up in! Reverse culture shock is definitely real, and it’s okay if you’re experiencing it. Know that the phases will pass over time, and you will get through them.

With these tips and a better understanding of your experience, you can successfully navigate reverse culture shock and come through a more worldly person ready to explore again! 也许这次你可以试试 国外的教学 或者决定去学一门 外语 在一个新的国家. 你可以调查一下 国际实习 to complement your college experience, or choose to 海外志愿者 在你课间休息的时候. 不管你接下来选择哪种经历, you’re now equipped to handle it -- and all the feelings that accompany the return home!

This story is a consolidated version of several stories we've published about reverse culture shock over the years. Those original stories were published by Megan Lee (in 2011), Alexa Hart(2013年), 和瑞秋·塔夫脱(2014年). This article was updated in August 2018 to bring our best resources on reverse culture shock into one place.

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