
亚当·多尔蒂 ‘19: Theological Depth of Program Prepares Alum for Youth Director Calling

2019年8月19日 - 5分钟阅读



I was led to 欧文康考迪亚大学 through my background in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). 我的成绩和考试分数足以进入任何一所大学, but I only applied to Concordia Irvine because I felt an internal call from God to spend my college years there. I also trusted in the academic rigor of 欧文康考迪亚大学 and the 神学深度 of the Concordia System to lead me to be a well-educated student and minister in the LCMS.


我知道我想进入教会工作,在了解了 基督教教育(DCE)项目主任 在欧文的康考迪亚大学, I was confident that this program would be most effective in giving me a rich learning experience.  欧文康考迪亚大学’s DCE program is a part of the theology department (Christ College), 不是教学部门, 这是康考迪亚大学欧文分校独有的, and I valued the emphasis the director placed on educating Commissioned ministers who are deeply educated in theology but experienced and well informed teachers. 欧文康考迪亚大学’s DCE program also requires the most fieldwork hours of any DCE program in the synod, so I knew I would graduate as prepared and equipped as possible for service in the church.


I most admire Rebecca Duport, the Director of the DCE program at Concordia Irvine. She gives above and beyond what is required of her to personally make every student feel welcome and equipped. She provides multiple extra service-learning opportunities for students outside of the classroom, 并经常在学生遇到危机时伸出援手. She is a gifted teacher and structures her classes to be as academically rigorous as any program at the university. She is an anointed leader of the program and has over 20 years of 领域经验 as a DCE, 这给这个项目带来了独特而有价值的视角. 她提升了该项目的学术水平, 神学深度, 领域经验, 以及机会的广度, and she can be credited for the growth of  欧文康考迪亚大学’s DCE program to become the largest DCE program in the Concordia system.


I experienced growth as a student in all of my classes—in living up to high expectations for quality of work, 时间应用, 外的经验, 和职业精神, all preparing me to be a church worker with high standards for success in the professional environment. I also experienced growth as a person 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 as my spiritual life was enriched, 加深了, 并且得到了校内和校外的机会. My heart was softened by the numerous service experiences 欧文康考迪亚大学 offered me, 我成长为一个信仰激发行动的人. I developed deep and fulfilling relationships with friends and faculty that will continue to encourage growth in me as a person and a professional.


我认为我在同龄人中留下的遗产是我最大的成就. One’s life and impact can be measured by the echoes of their leadership in the lives of others, and I am very proud of the lasting impact I was encouraged by faculty to make in the lives of younger students. Included in that legacy are my academic achievements like taking first place in the President’s Academic Showcase of 本科 Research, 并以男子部协调员的身份参与校园事工, 和更多的.


My internship has been the perfect opportunity to grow under the supervision of 欧文康考迪亚大学 faculty who continue to mentor and guide me. It’s especially nice to have my internship after graduation so that I have completed my degree and gained more experience so I can pursue certification in the LCMS.


Vocation is any position in life that God calls us into to minister to others. 我有很多, 我第一次以儿子和兄弟的身份, 但很快就会成为丈夫——也是一名DCE, 教堂里的音乐家, 还有一个朋友.


My ideal job is a place in the church where I can use my gifts with freedom and trust to raise up families and followers of Christ.


My favorite outreach opportunity was our DCE Program annual service-learning mission trip to Ojo de Agua in Tijuana, 墨西哥. 通过我在康考迪亚欧文大学的时光, 我去这个社区建了七次房子, 分发食物, 在信仰和生活上为同一个山顶社区祷告并鼓励他们. I developed close relationships with many people and children in the community and I will always value the experience of planning mission trips in detail every year.

What is one thing you have most valued about your time 在欧文的康考迪亚大学?

I valued the experience of living so closely to friends who encourage you academically, 精神上, 情感上也要在信心和生命的丰满中成长. Once you graduate, you aren’t able to have the same environment to encourage growth. I look back with great fondness on my time living on campus 在欧文的康考迪亚大学.


我最喜欢的康科迪亚传统是沙滩狂欢. 我一直很喜欢回到学校的那种社区感觉, 看到老面孔和新面孔, 一起在海滩上庆祝新年.


我现实生活中的英雄是我妈妈. She left her job in retirement services to follow God’s call to be a Pre-school teacher at a Lutheran school and a year later to be the Principal. 她曾在莱西的信仰路德学校担任校长, WA for about six years and doubled enrollment while elevating the professionalism of the school. She now works her dream job in Early Childhood Education at a local non-profit, 她刚拿到那个领域的硕士学位, and travels around the state giving keynote addresses and educating daycare directors, 学校管理人员, and rooms full of teachers and parents on how to raise up children that are well-educated, 成熟的, 和消息灵通的. She’s always been my hero and my role-model for service to God and the church.

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