

2023年3月17日 - 7分钟阅读

金和约翰·阿尔索普在康科迪亚和路德教会有着丰富的历史, 作为一个家庭,他们建立了全美最成功的好事达保险公司之一. 他们把基督放在婚姻的第一位,并热衷于支持基督教教育

“We put a priority on education — Christian education,” says John. “It is applicable whatever path you choose to take in life.” 

金正日爷爷, 阿尔文dierk, was integral to the formation of Christ College, now 肯考迪娅 University Irvine. Dierker是五个最初的组织者之一,还有Ray Grimm, Molly Wampler, J. 梁, 以及欧文路德学院基金会的阿特·奥斯瓦尔德,该基金会在20世纪70年代中期筹集资金,支持和帮助创办基督学院. 

在那之前几年, Kim’s great-great-grandfather, German-born-and-raised 雅各Kogler, became the first Lutheran pastor in Orange County and helped start St. John’s Lutheran Church in Orange in the 1880s. 

“One day I arrived at this unknown town of Orange,” Kogler wrote of his experience coming to Southern California. “我的第一次礼拜是在Schmetgen家举行的,当时我为他们的第一个孩子施洗. 奥兰治附近的几个家庭组成了一个教会,邀请我做他们的牧师.”

Kogler的子女和孙辈成为橙县的橙农和土地所有者. 金于1980年毕业于加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UC Santa Barbara),获得数学和经济学双学位,并立即被加州大学优尼科(Unocal)聘用, w在这里 her star rose in the oil industry. She also earned an MBA with an emphasis in finance from USC.

在优尼科, Kim did everything from international cash flow modeling, to working on budgets for the entire corporation, to strategic planning, to mergers and acquisitions. She served on a team that sold the company’s refineries and service stations; on another team that sold its agricultural products business; and on another that sold the remaining oil and gas operations.

在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校就读期间,金开始和她的祖父阿尔文(Alwin)一起参加社交活动和筹款活动. 不久,基督学院邀请她加入基金会董事会,她同意了.

“As I was attending these events, my sister graduated from 肯考迪娅 and married Chris Huscher ’84, son of Frederick Huscher, the first development director of the college,金说。. 他说:“我的姐夫是一名非常优秀的棒球运动员,后来成为那里最早的教练之一, coaching my other brother-in- law in the early 1980s. 所以我们经常去那里,无论是筹款、体育赛事还是基金会董事会活动.”

Kim and John married in 1985 and had three children, whom Kim brought with her to the fundraising meetings at 肯考迪娅. “The kids were all under seven or eight years old, 所以我带着他们去参加互助会,让大学生们看着他们,她说。.

约翰曾在保险行业担任圣地亚哥和帝国县的市场分析师和承销经理. In 1989, he left the corporate side to become an agent.

“I was always entrepreneurial,” he says. “我从小到大都在做一些疯狂的事情,比如在天然气短缺的时候向排队的人卖汽水. 成为一名保险代理人就是经营自己的生意,这对我来说非常有趣.”

His first office was located in a Sears store; then he opened one in Montclair, which is still operating. The agency did well through the years, grew and received numerous awards. 

肯考迪娅增长, 太, 资金一直是一个挑战,因为建立物理空间来支持不断增长的校园人口是很重要的, 金说.

她说:“学生不得不住在校外,通勤是一个重大问题。. “如果我们想要这个社区,我们必须在校园里有基础设施来处理他们.”

Kim helped launch the first charity auctions which turned into the 群星晚会. The school tried many ideas for fundraising, some of which went by the wayside — annual 5k runs, 例如, 还有校园里的嘉年华,有真正的游乐设施和由校园团体管理的摊位.

Longer-lasting were the annual 圣诞音乐会高尔夫球比赛, both of which the Alsops continue to sponsor and participate in. One year, John’s team won the tournament. The couple also enthusiastically 太k part in the university’s 信仰 & 商业论坛, bringing all their Allstate office managers to the events.


当Kim从石油行业退休后,她加入了John的公司,担任首席财务官和人力资源主管. 今天, the couple and two of their sons work for the agency, 该公司在全美拥有6个分支机构,是好事达(Allstate)最大的汽车保单生产商之一. In 2016, John was named to the Allstate Hall of Fame as an agent. In private life he served as president of the school board at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Covina. 阿尔索普一家现在在库卡蒙加牧场的山牧路德教会做礼拜.

他们看到了康科迪亚的神圣之手,因为它在这些年里茁壮成长. “康考迪亚的领袖们从未放弃神学的基本基础,”金说. “随着他们的扩张, 他们已经进入了所有其他的研究领域,但仍然有神学基础. It’s very important that graduates, especially in the education profession, take their faith with them and influence the children they teach, even though they may not necessarily be at a Lutheran or Christian school.”

Kim is now a lifetime member of the foundation board, now called the 校董会. “Kim and I are happy and cheerful to give money to 肯考迪娅,” says John. “我们认为这是善用神所赐给我们的恩赐来扩展国度. 我们认为这所大学是一个伟大的成功故事,我们希望看到它继续下去. At the fundamental level, we love God and think you can’t out-give God.”

金正日奥尔索普的高曾祖父雅各Kogler是奥兰治县第一位路德教会牧师. Read about his work in this autobiographical excerpt.



The First Lutheran Pastor in Orange County

The following autobiography excerpt was written by 雅各Kogler, great-great-grandfather of longtime 肯考迪娅 trustee and supporter, 金正日奥尔索普.

I, 雅各Kogler, 1月6日出生, 1847, in Weil in Schoenbuch, County Seat of Boeblinzen, Province of Wustenberg, 德国. 父母 died while I was in childhood and I was reared by grandparents. 我教父的名字是雅各布,按照家庭传统,他的名字必须是一样的. I attended school from the age of 6 to 14 in my home town. 

毕业后,我在斯图加特和路德维希堡上学,想成为一名传教士. 布鲁纳牧师推荐几个男孩上神学院,为美国的路德教会做准备. Mr. 布鲁纳得到了在美国培训学生教学和传教的许可. The demand was terrific in all of the States. 

1872年圣诞节前不久,布鲁纳教授需要学生帮助生病的牧师. At once I reported and was sent to St. Paul, Minnesota to teach and preach under Pastor Relfs. Passed my examinations in 1874 and went to work at St. John’s in East Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

In 1877 I received a call to Belle Plaine. T在这里 were two schools and 60 students. On Sundays I preached two sermons. In the fall of 1881 I met Pastor Martin Wyneken. He advised me to go to Southern California. [My family and I] arrived in Los Angeles, Rev. Wyneken wanted me to start a congregation in San Gabriel. 100 acres of land was promised...[but] the deal fell through. Many families came to Pastor Wyneken, and not being well enough to take care of their wishes, he asked me to look after them. 我接受了他的邀请,有一天我来到了这个不知名的奥兰治镇. 我的第一次礼拜是在Schmetgen家举行的,当时我为他们的第一个孩子施洗. 

奥兰治附近的几个家庭组成了一个教会,邀请我做他们的牧师. The congregation was organized, had a preacher but no church. 他们拥有阿尔蒙德街和橄榄街的一角,这是查普曼和格拉塞尔给会众的. We bought part of an old school, remodeled it and had church and school in a 24 by 24 foot room in 1883. Soon after we built a school, we hired a teacher and had 9 pupils. 会众增长如此之快,不得不购买其他土地,因为需要一个新的教堂.

St. John’s granted permission to do mission work in Southern California. Was very active in Anaheim and Oxnard. 朗克尔牧师也去过圣地亚哥、埃斯孔迪多、奥利韦海姆、里弗赛德和班宁. 朗基牧师在洛杉矶地区的宣教工作非常成功.


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