
支持 遗产花园



成立于2013年, this 5-acre garden aims to bless others by cultivating a space for students, 教师, 工作人员, 和社区 引领, to 学习,以及 服务. We accomplish this mission by serving as a venue for 教育宣传, 学生和教师研究,本科班,和 社区服务 事件. Harvested fruits and vegetables are donated to the University’s café.

The site consists of a 40-bed community garden, 温室, 30棵果树和坚果果园, 养蜂场, 祈祷花园, and spaces devoted to the cultivation of native Southern California plants. 文物花园 is directed by 泰勒Zarubin who holds an M.Sc. in Zoology and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. 文物花园 is operated entirely by Concordia students who maintain the grounds, coordinate outreach and service 事件, and facilitate student research. Our work is supported both by Concordia University and through the generous donations of our community.



We are blessed to be a blessing and one of the ways we do this is through our Outreach program to the surrounding community. The goal of the Outreach program is educating young and old alike in basic horticultural techniques and to provide a more direct connection to the fruits and vegetables we consume. If you are interested in visiting the 遗产花园 for your next field trip, please contact 泰勒Zarubin at (电子邮件保护).



支持ing student and 教师 research is a vital role of the 遗产花园. In partial fulfillment of their graduation requirements, all 生物学专业 construct and carry out independent scientific research under the mentorship of a 教师 member. 文物花园 provides a large space with dedicated facilities for scientific research that include a 温室, 养蜂场 and a 20-plot native plant research garden.



当地童军, 俱乐部, or other organizations are invited to organize service projects in our garden, and workdays are scheduled on a regular basis throughout the academic year. In addition to service opportunities, friends and neighbors are welcome to adopt and care for a bed in our Community Garden. If you’re interested in adopting a garden bed or volunteering please contact Professor 泰勒Zarubin at (电子邮件保护).


We are located at 康科迪亚西1530号, Irvine, CA 92612



  • Though you are welcome to walk through the entire garden, we ask that you do not pick any of the fruits or vegetables. Much of the produce is given to our café for incorporation into student meals.
  • Only service animals are allowed into the Garden.
  • All forms of smoking are prohibited.



Become a Friend of the 遗产花园

文物花园, CUI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that depends on the support of generous individuals and businesses who believe in our mission to bless others by cultivating a space for students, 教师, 工作人员, 以及社区的领导, 学习, 为了服务. A donation of any amount will sustain this place of beauty, refuge, and hands-on 学习ing.



Join the Garden Club or Beekeeping Club

Interested in getting involved in the 遗产花园? Consider joining the 遗产花园 club and working with other students to harvest produce and donate it to the Cafe, assist with outreach opportunities, help maintain the beehives in our 养蜂场, work on developing a business plan for the sale of honey, or engage in ecological research in our research garden. Please email Ruby Sanchez or Emma Johnson at (电子邮件保护) or (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.


Ruby Sanchez is a current junior pressuring a career in Business Administration with an emphasis in Management. Ruby started as a work-study employee her freshman year and fell in love with the natural environment. She enjoys providing a safe space for students and 教师 to come together as CUI community.

Emma Johnson is a Sophomore at Concordia and studies Theater and Creative Writing. She has been working at 遗产花园 since her Freshman year. She enjoys spending most of her time at the garden cultivating the land and creating a space for fellowship.



Assistant Professor of Biology, 遗产花园 Director

Tell us what clubs you're interested in, and our ASCUI Club Commissioner will connect you with 合适的人.



Consider making your gift through a 捐助者建议基金(DAF). 了解更多 在这里.


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