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Curriculum Summary

满足21世纪美国的多元文化语境需求和lms的需求, the Cross-cultural Ministry Center (CMC) provides academic and practical training, 培养传教士和教会领袖,使他们能够熟练地跨越文化,向失丧的人传福音.

课程的学术和实践部分共106学时. Additionally, 以英语为主要语言的学生必须通过成功完成6个学期的本科水平语言课程学分(或同等学分)来熟悉英语以外的现代口语. 语言必须是一种将帮助学生与新的部开始要求在他的牧师. Students typically complete the program in 4 years.


The academic portion of the curriculum consists of two interlinked components. Students take 29 semesters hours of coursework that lead to an M.A. Theology with an emphasis in Theology & Culture. 他们还需要额外学习54个学期的课程,才能获得LCMS的全面认证和任命. Here is a list of required courses:


CMC的所有课程都融入了真实的事工和宣教经历. We call this embedded learning experience the “CMC Missional Vicarage.“这是四年的实地任务和事工经验,是M.A. Theology and Certification, and runs concurrently with your coursework. 学生们每学期都要注册一门牧师公馆的“课程”,直到他们完成所有八门课程为止. In each vicarage "course" you plan activities, carry out those activities, and then journal your progress. Typically, in the first half of the Missional Vicarage, you carry out basic mission and ministry activities at a local church. In the second half, 你计划并最终在社区中发起了一个新的事工,跨越了一个重要的文化障碍,到达了周围社区中教会外的迷失者. 所有这些都与地区协调员密切协调,并在当地会众的指导下进行, a Mentor Pastor, and a CUI Faculty Supervisor. The vicarage "courses" are:

Missional Vicarage

  • Missional Vicarage Courses
  • 23 Units
  • TVIC 501: Vicarage I: Practicum I
  • 2

这个牧职(实习)将学生的宣教牧灵培育融入到实际的事工和宣教中,为学生提供灵命培育的机会, personal growth, and professional development. 学生将发展使命意识和领导能力,这将塑造他未来的事工. Through mentorship, observation, and participation, 他将学习部长和宣教职能,以及如何有效地履行这些职能作为一个忠诚的路德教会传教士. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course.

  • TVIC 502: Vicarage I: Practicum II
  • 3

这个牧职(实习)将学生的宣教牧灵培育融入到实际的事工和宣教中,为学生提供灵命培育的机会, personal growth, and professional development. 学生将发展使命意识和领导能力,这将塑造他未来的事工. Through mentorship, observation, and participation, 他将学习部长和宣教职能,以及如何有效地履行这些职能作为一个忠诚的路德教会传教士. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course. Prerequisite: TVIC 501.

  • TVIC 503: Vicarage II: Internship I
  • 3

这个牧职(实习)将学生的宣教牧灵培育融入到实际的事工和宣教中,为学生提供灵命培育的机会, personal growth, and professional development. 学生将发展使命意识和领导能力,这将塑造他未来的事工. Through mentorship, observation, and participation, 他将学习部长和宣教职能,以及如何有效地履行这些职能作为一个忠诚的路德教会传教士. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course. Prerequisite: TVIC 502.

  • TVIC 504: Vicarage II: Internship II
  • 3

这个牧职(实习)将学生的宣教牧灵培育融入到实际的事工和宣教中,为学生提供灵命培育的机会, personal growth, and professional development. 学生将发展使命意识和领导能力,这将塑造他未来的事工. Through mentorship, observation, and participation, 他将学习部长和宣教职能,以及如何有效地履行这些职能作为一个忠诚的路德教会传教士. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course. Prerequisite: TVIC 503.

  • TVIC 505: Vicarage III: Mission Plant I
  • 3

这个牧职(实习)将学生的宣教牧灵培育融入到实际的事工和宣教中,为学生提供灵命培育的机会, personal growth, and professional development. 学生将发展使命意识和领导能力,这将塑造他未来的事工. Through mentorship, observation, and participation, 他将学习部长和宣教职能,以及如何有效地履行这些职能作为一个忠诚的路德教会传教士. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course. Prerequisite: TVIC 504.

  • TVIC 506: Vicarage III: Mission Plant II
  • 3

这个牧职(实习)将学生的宣教牧灵培育融入到实际的事工和宣教中,为学生提供灵命培育的机会, personal growth, and professional development. 学生将发展使命意识和领导能力,这将塑造他未来的事工. Through mentorship, observation, and participation, 他将学习部长和宣教职能,以及如何有效地履行这些职能作为一个忠诚的路德教会传教士. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course. Prerequisite: TVIC 505.

  • TVIC 507: Vicarage IV: Church Planting I
  • 3

这个牧职(实习)将学生的宣教牧灵培育融入到实际的事工和宣教中,为学生提供灵命培育的机会, personal growth, and professional development. 学生将发展使命意识和领导能力,这将塑造他未来的事工. Through mentorship, observation, and participation, 他将学习部长和宣教职能,以及如何有效地履行这些职能作为一个忠诚的路德教会传教士. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course. Prerequisite: TVIC 506.

  • TVIC 508: Vicarage IV: Church Planting II
  • 3

这个牧职(实习)将学生的宣教牧灵培育融入到实际的事工和宣教中,为学生提供灵命培育的机会, personal growth, and professional development. 学生将发展使命意识和领导能力,这将塑造他未来的事工. Through mentorship, observation, and participation, 他将学习部长和宣教职能,以及如何有效地履行这些职能作为一个忠诚的路德教会传教士. Offered as a Pass/No Pass course. Graduation Application Fee: $185. Prerequisite: TVIC 507.

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