

The 40 unit MHA curriculum is designed using the competencies developed by the Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA). 课程时长为七周, 在春季一次选一门课程, 夏天, 秋季学期.

  • 医疗管理硕士
  • 40台
  • MHA 500:专业发展工作坊(课程4次@ .25个单位)
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This course focuses on professional development within the healthcare industry, 为学生提供专业发展的工具, 包括:网络, 面试, 恢复建设, 项目管理. 本课程可重复四次. 作为合格/不合格课程提供.

  • MHA 501:医疗保健组织管理
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This course provides an introduction and overview of healthcare administration in the United States health service system. Governance and management of 组织 structures are explored, 还有函数, 角色, 并分析了各组成部分之间的关系. Students will examine operational concepts related to delivering quality, 一致的, 以及整个医疗保健系统中具有成本效益的服务.

  • MHA 502:医疗保健通信
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This course examines communication theory and research in order to understand important communication processes reflected and addressed in healthcare organizations. This course prepares students with the necessary skills and behaviors required to effectively communicate with patients, 同事, 员工, 医疗保健领域的社会和外部组织.

  • MHA 503:保健经济学和政策
  • 3

为医疗保健问题的经济分析提供一个框架, 以及卫生政策制定的概述, 实现, 和美国的评估. Examines current health policies and the key factors that impact them, 包括:政治, 社会, 经济, 制度环境. Focuses on the application of 经济 principles to current problems in the healthcare industry.

  • MHA 506:医疗保健法
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This course will offer a current and historical overview of the legal oversight and regulation of healthcare delivery in the U.S. as it examines principles and practical applications of the laws that affect the operational decisions of healthcare providers, 纳税人, 和经理, as well as how that impacts development of markets for healthcare products and services. 的社会, 道德, 以及在平衡利益时遇到的伦理问题, 需要, and rights of individuals against those of the larger society will also be examines.

  • MHA 512:医疗保健战略规划和营销
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This course will introduce strategic planning and marketing as they apply to healthcare organizations through the development of practical skills in strategic management such as internal and external environmental assessment, 竞争对手分析, and methods for evaluating strategic alternatives that can be used in different types of health care settings.

  • MHA 514:医疗保健质量保证
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This course will examine methods and tools for managing quality in health facilities, 医生实践, 管理式医疗, and public health organizations including developments in quality assurance and improvement, 利用审核, 风险管理, 患者满意度.

  • MHA 515:卫生服务信息系统
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With a focus on the for-profit and not-for-profit healthcare organizations, this course will provide students with tools to facilitate effective gathering and analysis for 实现 through the support of health informatics and data analytics initiatives. Students will learn the potential benefits of various informatics initiatives (e.g., 电子健康记录, 实验室报告, patient portals) and 实现 challenges for different types of organizations (e.g., 医院, 医生实践, health departments) and the management and use of institutional-specific and national-derived data.

  • mh516:人力资源管理
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This course will emphasize the concepts of human resources management through understanding and identifying the importance of human resources in health organizations, establishing the need for relating 组织 strategic planning to human resource planning, examining the role of 组织 culture to the understanding of behavior and productivity, 以及与就业法相关的法律环境.

  • MHA 525:医疗保健组织的财务管理
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The course will focus on financial management and analysis of healthcare organizations including financial management concepts, 资本收购, 资本成本和资本结构, 资本配置, 营运资金管理, 预测, 控制系统, 资本预算, 以及机构融资.

  • MHA 571:领导力
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本课程着重于领导理论和项目管理, 以及它们在医疗服务机构中的应用. 强调精益领导的基础和原则, and tools for improved self-understanding of personal leadership styles and their impact on 组织 functionality will be introduced.

  • MHA 573:医疗保健管理中的职业和道德
  • 3

Examines ethical issues related to professional practice and leadership through the lens of relevant Christian doctrine (such as vocation and two kingdoms), 古典道德哲学, 当代伦理理论. Prepares students to analyze and respond to ethical questions faced by healthcare managers at the individual, 组织, 政策层面. Relevant professional codes of ethics will be consulted and analyzed.

  • MHA 588:长期护理管理
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This course will review the care provided to senior citizens within a variety of institutional settings (医院, 护理设施, 不同级别的长者住宅, 等.),以及门诊及家居护理服务, Special attention will be given to nursing homes and senior housing options and their past, 现在, 以及未来在美国整体医疗保健系统中的角色.S.

  • MHA 601:医疗服务管理顶点实习
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This culminating course offers an integrative learning experience for MHA students. Students will complete a capstone project that requires them to integrate theoretical knowledge and conceptual skills acquired through their coursework and other related experiences, 根据目前的文献, 当他们演示应用到现场. Upon completion of the written project, students will orally 现在 their capstone in class. 除了顶点项目, students will be required to develop an e-portfolio that includes reflective exercises and captures volunteer work. 毕业申请费:185美元.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.
