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  • Kellie Albrecht Albrecht, Kellie L.
  • 教育学院副院长
  • Ph.D. in Education, Chapman University
  • Beta 207 B
  • (949) 214-3354
Kellie Albrecht

Assistant Dean | 高级主任教育博士(编.D.) in Leadership Program

Dr. Kellie Albrecht is the Assistant Dean for the School of Education, 高级主任教育博士(编.D.),也是教育学教授. She is responsible for Ed.D. program operations, 项目开发和改进, faculty training, 课程发展及评估, and advising doctoral students with their dissertation research. Dr. Albrecht served as the Chair of the Educational Effectiveness Committee (EEC), a member of the Academic Council and Institutional Review Board (IRB).

在高等菲律宾十大网赌网站之前,博士. Albrecht是一名小学教育家,教过一年级、四年级、五年级和六年级. Dr. 阿尔布雷希特在城市学校的教学经历激发了她在不同环境下进行教育的热情. 她与文化多样性和代表性不足的儿童一起工作的经验导致了她对英语语言发展和差异化教学实践的兴趣. Additionally, Dr. Albrecht is the mother of four children, her oldest being identical twin boys. Dr. 阿尔布雷希特的博士论文是一篇解释性现象学分析,侧重于将双胞胎识别为一个文化群体, 他们调查了双胞胎教育的个人需求. The dissertation is titled, 超越结合的声音:对成年同卵双胞胎的定性研究.

Dr. Albrecht在高等教育方面的经验包括MAEd项目的开发和改进, 教员培训和专业发展, advising graduate and postgraduate qualitative research projects, teaching undergraduate, graduate, 以及多科和单科证书课程, 实地监督实习教师, 评估教学表现评估(tpa), 促进贸易促进权学生工作坊.

Areas of Expertise

  • 定性研究方法论:行动研究、扎根理论、解释性
  • 现象学分析,案例研究
  • Twins’ Research
  • 差异化教学实践
  • English Language Development
  • Classroom Management
  • 课程设计,评估和评价
  • 远程学习:在线异步 & Synchronous, Blended/Hybrid
  • 项目/课程的开发、设计和改进
  • Technological Pedagogy
  • Jamie Briner Briner, Jamie
  • 首席研究生顾问|证书分析师
  • Credential Analyst
Jamie Briner initials


  • Doyle, Lori Doyle, Lori
  • Director, M.A. Educational Leadership 
  • Remote
  • (949) 214-3348
Doyle, Lori

Director, M.A. Educational Leadership


我的教育生涯始于高中阶段,我喜欢教多年的英语和神学课程. 我担任ASB顾问和篮球教练的职位为我与学生建立联系提供了额外的途径. 在担任学校公关主任的几年时间里,我开始在菲律宾十大网赌网站教书, Irvine, in 2002. 当时,我在CUAccelerate项目任教,这是一个校内和在线混合的项目. 搬到亚利桑那州后,我在凤凰城大学(University of Phoenix)执教了五年,在那里我教授了包括说明文在内的一系列写作课程, research, and technical writing. While I enjoyed that post, 我决定从事教育领域的课程,并开始在大峡谷大学教授研究生和本科课程. In 2012, 我很高兴再次加入CUI的行列,担任MAEd课程的教育学教授 & Instruction program. 我还担任以下MAEd课程的主题专家:课程设计与评估(edut / edut 520), Coping with Stress and Violence in Today's Classrooms (EDU 524), 和教育话语:变化与改革(EDU 550). 我的角色是课程项目主管 & 指导提供了与其他教师一起工作的机会,并与所提供的所有课程保持同步. 我目前正在大峡谷大学攻读心理学博士学位,研究方向是认知与指导. 我真的很喜欢网络课堂,也很期待每一个新学期的开始.

  • Alyssa Flores Flores, Alyssa
  • 院长行政助理/人力资源专员
  • Beta 205C
  • 949-214-3343
Alyssa Flores


  • Robin Gomes Gomes, Robin
  • 教育学院助理教授
  • M.A.Ed, Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University- Irvine
  • Beta 207E
  • (949) 214-3342
Kellie Albrecht

Assistant Professor of Education


Robin Gomes has been serving in Lutheran education for over 20 years. 在康考迪亚大学任职之前, Robin worked as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal in Lutheran elementary schools in Nevada and California. Throughout that time, Robin led in the areas of teacher recruitment and retention, curriculum and assessment, 以及太平洋西南地区的学校顾问.

Robin is married to Domingo, a middle school teacher who she met as a student at Concordia University. 他们有两个上大学的孩子. 他们的消遣包括看音乐剧、去迪斯尼乐园、享受海滩和打棒球.


  • M.A.Ed, Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University- Irvine, 2007
  • California Multiple Subject Clear Teaching Credential, 2000
  • B.A., Behavioral Science: Anthropology, Concordia University- Irvine, 1999
  • Mercier, Sandra Mercier, Sandra
  • MAEd学习、设计和技术主管 & Curriculum & Instruction
  • Beta 207 D
  • (949) 214-3597
Mercier, Sandra

MAEd学习、设计和技术主管 & Curriculum & Instruction


Sandy Mercier教授自2014年起担任教育学院的全职教师. 桑迪在欧文的康考迪亚大学读本科和研究生. She currently teaches MAEd online courses for both the Curriculum & 教学、设计和技术课程. She is also the Director of CUI's Learning, Design, and Technology program. 在进入高等教育之前, 她教过包括幼儿园在内的各个年级, 6th, 7th-8th Literature, and K-8 Computers. 桑德拉的热情是分享她对教学的热爱, implementing fun technology, 并与她的MAEd学生一起创造引人入胜的课程. Sandy and her husband, Nathan, have been blessed with three children. 他们的家庭与圣. 约翰的路德教会和学校在奥兰治,加州.


  • 教育学硕士学位- 2006年5月获颁, CUI - Major: Curriculum and Instruction; Concentration: K-12 Instruction
  • 教育学文学士- 1999年5月获颁, CUI - Major: Liberal Studies; Concentration: Child Development; Christ College Certificate
  • California Clear Multiple Subject Credential – Awarded August 2003, CUI -补充授权:英文/文学

Areas of Expertise

  • Educational Technology
  • 创新的、基于技术的工具
  • K-12课程提升策略
  • Brain-Based Teaching and Learning
  • Curriculum Design and Assessment
  • Coping with Stress and Violence
  • 社会和情感学习/心理健康支持
  • Child, Family, and Community
  • Rodrigues, Charlie Rodrigues, Charlie
  • Coordinator, MOUs & Faculty Onboarding
  • Beta 109 E
  • (949) 214-3087
Rodrigues, Charlie

Coordinator, MOUs & Faculty Onboarding


在他被任命为全职教员之前, Charlie Rodrigues最近担任Concordia University Irvine的助理注册主任,此外他还在M.A. Education program. 他的博士研究是调查新入职的全职和兼职大学教员的入职过程的有效性. As a proud alum of Concordia for both undergraduate and graduate degrees, he also spent 10 years as an educator in public and Lutheran schools. His breadth of experience will serve him well as he will be teaching in the M.A. 教育和教师资格认证项目. 查理和他的妻子梅利莎(Melissa)也是一名教育家,他们养育了两个活泼的儿子(一个6岁,一个2岁),并在长滩的伯大尼路德教会做礼拜. They enjoy spending time with extended family, reading, and traveling.

  • Kent Schlichtemeier Schlichtemeier, Kent
  • 服务型领导学院主任
  • Ed.D., Educational Leadership, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Beta 107 A/B
  • (949) 214-3256


Kent Schlichtemeier

Degrees Earned

  • Ed.D., Educational Leadership, University of California, Los Angeles
  • M.A., Denver University
  • B.A.康考迪亚师范学院,苏厄德,东北


Dr. Kent Schlichtemeier is a teacher. He started his teaching career in 1978 teaching 6th-8th grades in Oxnard, CA. After completing his Master’s degree at Denver University in 1984, he continued his teaching career at the high school level in Orlando, FL. Dr. Schlichtemeier served in the School of Education at Concordia University, 从1988年到2003年,他在那里指导未来的教师. 除了在菲律宾十大网赌网站教书之外. 施利希特迈尔在1993年退役攻读博士学位之前一直担任女子篮球教练. 在他执教的最后两个赛季里, 女鹰篮球队在赢得金州体育大会冠军后,连续两次参加全国篮球锦标赛. Dr. Schlichtemeier在1992年和1993年被评为NAIA三区年度最佳教练,并于2006年被选入康科迪亚体育名人堂. Dr. 从2003年到2007年,Schlichtemeier担任Orange Lutheran High School的教师和副校长, 然后回到菲律宾十大网赌网站任教. He enjoys frequent opportunities to speak at sports banquets, school graduations, athletic camps, teacher conferences, and leadership retreats.

Areas of Expertise

  • Instructional Leadership
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Assessment
  • Organizational Culture
  • School Climate
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Action Research
  • Michael Schulteis Schulteis, Michael
  • Co-Director of Undergraduate Teacher Credential Programs | Director of M.Ed. | Professor of Science Education
  • ScEdD,科学教育博士,科廷科技大学,珀斯,西澳大利亚
  • Beta 203 D
  • (949) 214-3351
Michael Schulteis

科学教育学教授|本科教师资格认证项目联合主任| M ..Ed. | Professor of Science Education

Dr. Michael Schulteis自2003年以来一直是教育学院的全职教师,专门从事科学和数学教育, teaching instructional methods, 课堂管理与研究方法课程, 并指导研究生的研究项目. 他的教育研究主要集中在教会学校的进化论教育.

Dr. Schulteis目前是美国气象学会数据网项目的导师. 他还为美国和韩国的教育工作者举办研讨会和演讲, Japan, China, South Africa, 就教学方法和进化教育等话题与澳大利亚进行交流. 在来到康考迪亚大学之前. Schulteis在初中和高中阶段教授多个科目.


  • ScEdD,科学教育博士,科廷科技大学,珀斯,西澳大利亚
  • M.A.,课程与教学,康考迪亚大学欧文分校
  • B.A.欧文康考迪亚大学生物学专业

Areas of Expertise

  • Curriculum
  • Instructional Strategies
  • Common Core Standards
  • School Climate
  • 课程评估和学生学习
  • Statistics
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Science Education
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Action Research
  • Lutheran Education
  • International Teaching
  • MaryAnn Seng Seng, MaryAnn
  • Full Time Faculty, PPS Programs
  • Full Time Faculty, PPS Programs
MaryAnn Seng

Full Time Faculty, PPS Programs

Degrees Earned

  • PHD in Education (School Psychology emphasis) from Chapman University - 2020
  • M.A. in School Counseling and M.A. 1999年在查普曼大学获得学校心理学博士学位
  • B.A. 1996年获得比奥拉大学心理学博士学位


Dr. MaryAnn Seng is a professor of education in the area of school counseling. 在她到达康考迪亚大学之前, Seng曾在长滩联合学区做了20年的辅导员和学校心理学家. 她在该地区的角色包括担任双语顾问(高棉语)。, crisis team member, and the coordinator of the school psychology internship program. 她还曾担任韦伯斯特大学尔湾校区的教师协调员/辅导员. 她对高棉语言/文化的了解使她成为长滩警察局和精神卫生部亚洲部门的社区成员顾问多年. 她目前是儿科关节炎和狼疮基金会的董事会成员. 她目前的研究兴趣涉及有疾病的儿童的教育需求.

  • Yvette Stuewe Stuewe, Yvette
  • Assistant Professor of Education
  • 教育博士候选人:诺瓦东南大学教学技术与远程教育
  • Beta 203 A
Yvette Stuewe

Assistant Professor of Education

助理教授Yvette Stuewe教授硕士课程和教师资格认证课程. Professor Stuewe has served in Lutheran education for 28 years. 她的教育经历横跨圣路易斯市. 约翰路德教会学校,奥兰治路德教会高中,以及欧文康考迪亚大学. 除了27年的课堂教学经验, steewe教授曾担任各种领导职务,包括课程领导主席, Induction mentor, 奥兰治县教育部私立学校队列的入职助理首席导师, Conference Presenter, 路德教教育者会议委员会主席, Director of Curriculum, WASC Visiting Team Member, 也是奥兰治路德在线的副主任. In February of 2023, 她在奥斯汀举行的全国数字学习年会(DLAC)上发表了演讲, Texas.

斯图威教授是一个小组的成员,该小组试点了一个一对一的中学笔记本电脑项目, 她在一对一的教学环境中教了14年, gaining experience with many different learning platforms and digital tools. 她是国家委员会认证的教师. She truly sees teaching as an art and values reflective teaching practices. 她不仅在制作有效的课程和与学生建立关系方面找到了激情, she also finds great value in collaborating with other educators. 斯图维教授目前正在攻读诺瓦东南大学的教学技术和远程教育博士学位.


  • 教育博士候选人:诺瓦东南大学教学技术与远程教育
  • M.A. 课程与教学,康考迪亚大学欧文分校
  • Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Concordia University Irvine
  • B.S. Bachelor of Science, History, University of California, Santa Barbara

Areas of Expertise

  • Instructional Design
  • Planning and Assessment
  • Instructional Technology
  • Online and Distance Learning
  • Reflective Teaching Practices
  • Tarbutton, Tanya Tarbutton, Tanya
  • Senior Director, MA Programs
  • Beta 207 E
  • (949) 214-3593
Tarbutton, Tanya

Senior Director, MA Programs


Dr. Tanya Tarbutton是MAED的教育助理教授和项目主任, School Administration emphasis. 在加入康考迪亚大学之前,博士. 塔巴顿曾在南加州的几所高等教育机构担任主管和讲师, 指导和支持新的管理人员和教师. 在这个职位上,她为21世纪的教学和学习评估和准备行政候选人和教师候选人. Dr. Tarbutton还参加了专注于转型变革的学术顾问委员会,并在国际会议上发表了演讲. 在进入高等教育之前,Dr. 塔巴顿是一名基于网站的学校管理员, 资源教师和通识教育教师. 作为一名移民,她在20多年的职业经验中带来了独特的视角.


  • Ed.D, Educational Leadership & Management, Alliant International University, San Diego, CA.
  • M.A., School Administration, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
  • M.A., Curriculum and Instruction, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA.
  • B.A., Elementary Education, Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • B.A.加拿大新斯科舍省阿卡迪亚大学社会学教授

Areas of Expertise

  • 课程发展及衔接
  • 管理人员和教师的指导和支持
  • 教学平台与策略
  • Vezner, Heather Vezner, Heather
  • Dean, School of Education | Assistant Professor of Education
  • Beta 107 D
  • (949) 214-3352
Vezner, Heather

Dean, School of Education | Assistant Professor of Education


Dr. 希瑟·维兹纳于1993年开始了她的教学生涯,担任幼儿教师. 她从事教育工作已经30年了. 她的经历包括担任幼儿和小学教育教师, 幼儿项目管理员, and parent educator for a grant-funded early education program. 她于2009年首次来到康考迪亚大学欧文分校,担任实地经验协调员和加州大学加州技术研究计划署助理协调员. 她还曾担任学生教学主任, 初级教师资格认证项目主任, Assistant Dean, 目前担任教育学院院长. Her areas of research and expertise include early childhood education, literacy development, mentoring, teacher preparation, and leadership development.  感谢上帝让我们有机会服务和支持学生,让他们成为教育领袖,在我们的学校社区产生积极的影响.


  • Ed.D. - Organizational Leadership, Northeastern University, Boston, 2022
  • California Multiple Subject Clear Teaching Credential, 2009
  • 伊利诺伊州幼儿教师资格证书,2007年
  • M.A. - Early Childhood Education, Concordia University, Chicago, 1996
  • 伊利诺伊州基础教育教师资格证书,1993年
  • B.A. - Elementary Education, Concordia University, Chicago, 1993
  • Catherine Webb Webb, Catherine
  • 教育部教育行政主任
  • Ed.D. 阿尔戈西大学教学领导学
  • Beta 107 B
  • (949) 214-3598
Webb, Catherine


Degrees Earned

  • Ed.D.,教学领导,雅高大学,2007
  • MAEd., Supervision and Administration, University of Phoenix, 2002
  • B. A.,加州大学洛杉矶分校,1995年
  • B. A.,地理/环境研究,加州大学洛杉矶分校,1995年


Dr. 凯瑟琳·韦伯是教育学教授,也是加州行政人员绩效评估(CalAPA)协调员。. 她任职于Concordia University Irvine的机构审查委员会,是EDUA 516的主题专家, EDUA 517, EDUA 561, EDUA562 and EDUA563 (5 of the 8 Administrative courses in the MAEd. program). Dr. Webb serves as a generalist currently teaching Education Technology, Administration, MAEd项目的课程和教学课程以及博士项目的论文研讨会.

Dr. Webb served as a K-8 teacher, special education teacher, site administrator, and district administrator for over 15 years in California and Arizona. 她在两个州都持有清晰的行政服务证书和清晰的教学证书. Dr. 韦伯为她的论文进行了辩护,主题是专业学习社区的效力以及学校改进举措对学生学业成绩的影响. Dr. 韦伯的专长在于课程、教学和评估、管理和技术. Dr. Webb served as a consultant and professional development presenter, 服务全国的学区. Dr. 自2007年以来,Webb一直在高等教育领域工作.

Areas of Expertise

  • Technology
  • 21st century Teaching and Learning
  • Classroom Management
  • Instructional Leadership
  • 课程、教学和评估
  • Diverse Learners
  • School Improvement
  • Common Core Standards
  • Action Research
  • APA
  • Tim YoungYoung, Timothy
  • Ed.D. Educational Leadership, University of California, Los Angeles
  • (949) 214-3347
Timothy Young


Degrees Earned

  • Ed.D, Educational Leadership, University of California, Los Angeles
  • M.S., Educational Administration, California State University Fullerton
  • M.A.,精神形成,比奥拉大学,La Mirada, CA
  • M.S., Educational Counseling, National University, San Diego, CA
  • B.A.加州拉米拉达比奥拉大学心理学博士
  • Administrative Services Credential
  • California Pupil Personnel Services Credential:  School Counseling


Dr. 蒂姆·杨目前在教育学院担任PPOHA(促进西班牙裔美国人毕业后的机会)拨款主任和教育总监.D mentor and Assistant Professor. 这项拨款于2023年由美国空军拨款给康科迪亚公司.S. Department of Education, focuses on enrolling and equipping future Hispanic teachers, school administrators, and K-12 district leaders. Dr. Young致力于为研究生创造在学位课程中脱颖而出的机会,并消除学生获得和成功的障碍.

Prior to joining Concordia, Dr. 杨曾担任先锋大学负责学生事务和校园运营的副校长. 在此职位上,他领导学生事务和校园运营部门. 他有领导和发展团队的经验,通过开发针对西班牙裔服务机构的项目和服务来促进学生的成功. He also has extensive experience with university operations.

他的研究重点是了解不同文化背景的学生的需求,识别和消除攻读学位的学生所面临的挑战, 特别关注非裔美国学生在基督教大学的经历.

Dr. 杨还在包括路德教会小学在内的各种K-12设置中担任教师和学校辅导员, a comprehensive high school, community day school, 还有一所另类教育高中.

Additionally, Dr. Young is the founder of The Joshua Foundation for Christian Mentoring, a nonprofit organization dedicated to mentoring pastors and Christian leaders. 透过这个组织,他提供资源和支持,鼓励终身服事.

Dr. 杨还担任教会和非营利组织的战略规划和组织发展顾问, channeling his passion for improving organizational health and efficiency.

Areas of Expertise

  • Higher Education
  • Educational Leadership
  • School Counseling
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Organizational Change
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Title IX Administration
  • Student Conduct Administration
  • Mentoring Culture  
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