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Dr. Cari Chittick是路德教会教学项目和LCMS安置主任,也是康考迪亚大学欧文分校教育学院和基督学院的副教授. She has a passion for the ministry of Lutheran schools and for encouraging professional growth of future educators in their ministering to children with varying abilities; to enhance students’ academic potential, while nurturing their faith.

Prior to joining Concordia University Irvine, Dr. Chittick是德克萨斯州康考迪亚大学的特殊教育主任,在那里她开始了这个专业,并发展了这个项目,使未来的教育工作者能够在所有的课堂环境中支持特殊的学习者. 她还在两所路德教会学校开发了基础资源项目.

In her spare time, Dr. 他喜欢探索神的创造,并透过世界各地的服事和宣教来服事神.

Gomes, Robin

Assistant Professor of Education


Robin Gomes has been serving in Lutheran education for over 20 years. Before serving at Concordia University, Robin worked as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal in Lutheran elementary schools in Nevada and California. Throughout that time, Robin led in the areas of teacher recruitment and retention, curriculum and assessment, and school consultancy in the Pacific Southwest District.

Robin is married to Domingo, 她是在康考迪亚大学上学时认识的一位中学老师. They have two college-age children. 他们的消遣包括看音乐剧、去迪斯尼乐园、享受海滩和打棒球.


  • M.A.Ed, Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University- Irvine, 2007
  • California Multiple Subject Clear Teaching Credential, 2000
  • B.A., Behavioral Science: Anthropology, Concordia University- Irvine, 1999
Teresa Hess

Associate Professor of Education


Dr. 赫斯指导学生完成从学生教师实习到获得明确证书的过程.

Dr. Teresa Hess leads the student teaching program, 申请初步证书前的最后要求是什么. 

Dr. Hess holds a Ph.D. in Education, with an emphasis in Disability Studies, from Chapman University in Orange, CA, 在千橡市的加州路德大学获得理学硕士学位, CA, 并获得洛杉矶洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学文科学士学位, CA. In addition to her work at the university level, Dr. 赫斯在普通和特殊教育课堂上有超过30年的小学教学经验.


  • Ryan Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
  • Learning Handicapped Credential
  • Resource Specialist Credential
  • Cross Cultural Language and Academic Development Certificate (CLAD)
  • Autism Authorization Certificate
Lori Jaeger

Assistant Professor of Education | Director of Induction


Dr. Lori Jaeger担任该学院的诱导主任和助理教授
of Education. Prior to joining the Concordia faculty in 2016, Dr. Jaeger spent thirty years
implementing innovative teaching methods and developing curriculum. Dr. Jaeger is
committed to the teaching profession and cultivating lifelong learners.

In 1986, Dr. 耶格尔在城市环境中开始了她的教学生涯,在第一路德教会任职,
Long Beach as a second grade teacher, athletic director and coach. Dr. Jaeger was called to
1989年,Bethany Lutheran在长滩教三年级,研究评估
and mentored new teachers. In 2000, Dr. Jaeger accepted a new call to St. John’s Lutheran,
Orange and taught fourth grade for sixteen years. There she served as department chair for
assessment of student learning and continuous curriculum reviews. Dr. Jaeger continues to
CalTPA teacher candidates.


  • M.A., Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University, Irvine, CA
  • B.A., Education, Concordia College, River Forest, IL

Areas of Expertise:

  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Planning and Assessment
  • Instructional Strategies
  • Curriculum Mapping
  • Classroom Management
Sara Morgan

Director of Special Education Credential Programs


Dr. Sara Morgan is a graduate of Chapman University, where she earned a B.A. in Communications. After graduation, 她继续获得两个教师证书(多学科和教育专家)和一个特殊教育硕士学位. She taught, as a resource teacher, for Lutheran Special Education Ministries, a special day class teacher for the Westminster School District, 并在花园格罗夫联合学区担任特殊任务教师(TOSA)和项目专家. Sara has her Ph.D. in education with an emphasis in Disability Studies. Her research interests include Universal Design for Learning, Social Emotional Learning, and Inclusive Teaching Practices.


  • B.A.: 1999, Chapman University, Communications: Speech Communications
  • MAEd.: 2003, Chapman University, Special Education
  • Ph.D.: 2023, Chapman University, Disability Studies


  • Introduction to teaching Diverse Populations
  • Typical and Atypical Development of Diverse Populations
  • Advanced Curriculum Methods for Teaching Special Populations
  • Linguistics for Educators
Charlie Rodrigues

Associate Professor of Education


Dr. 查理·罗德里格斯目前在教师资格认证计划中担任教学和主题专家. Dr. Rodrigues还担任SOE数据管理和物流总监. 在这个角色中,他指导我们的新兼职教师完成入职过程. 他的博士研究课题是大学教员入职的有效性. 
Prior to his full-time faculty appointment, Dr. 罗德里格斯曾担任康考迪亚大学欧文分校研究生课程助理注册主任. 他有超过20年的路德教会小学课堂教学和高等教育管理经验. 
Dr. Rodrigues received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校教育学硕士和教育学博士学位. He and his wife are raising two active boys. 在他们的空闲时间,他们喜欢花时间与大家庭,旅游和阅读.  

Professor of Science Education; Co-Director of Undergraduate Teacher Credential Programs; Director of MEd

Michael Schulteis


Dr. Michael Schulteis自2003年以来一直是教育学院的全职教师,专门从事科学和数学教育, teaching instructional methods, classroom management and research methods courses, and supervising graduate research projects. 他的教育研究主要集中在教会学校的进化论教育.

Dr. Schulteis目前是美国气象学会数据网项目的导师. 他还为美国和韩国的教育工作者举办研讨会和演讲, Japan, China, South Africa, 就教学方法和进化教育等话题与澳大利亚进行交流. Prior to arriving at Concordia University, Dr. Schulteis在初中和高中阶段教授多个科目.


  • Sc.Ed.D., Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia
  • M.A.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University, Irvine
  • B.A., Biology: Pre-Med, Concordia University, Irvine

Areas of Expertise

  • Curriculum
  • Instructional Strategies
  • Common Core Standards
  • School Climate
  • Assessment of Programs and Student Learning
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Statistics
  • Qualitative Methods
Doctor Rebecca Stanton

Co-Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education Programs
Senior Director of Teacher Credential Programs


Dr. Stanton teaches EDU 101, the first class all Liberal Studies majors will take; serves as an advisor to Liberal Studies majors; and interviews students for admission into the SOE Credential program.

Dr. 丽贝卡·斯坦顿自2005年以来一直在康考迪亚大学欧文分校教育学院任教, specializing in secondary teaching methods, classroom management, and differentiated instruction. Beyond her teaching duties, 她监督学生教师,指导学生写博士论文. 作为大学学生老师的导师和家长志愿者, she has spent innumerable hours in K-12 classrooms. 她儿子们的特殊需求激发了她对大脑如何学习以及如何建立积极情绪的兴趣, inclusive learning environments. 她在地方、区域和国家会议上发表各种教学策略.

Prior to coming to Concordia University, Dr. Stanton taught German at the university and junior college levels. 她还教了9年的德语和高中戏剧, and math and science for one year at the junior high school level. 她喜欢带学生去欧洲和纽约进行教育旅行.


  • EdD, Instructional Leadership, Argosy University, Orange County
  • MA, German Literature, University of California, Irvine
  • 欧文康考迪亚大学单一学科(德语、文学)教师资格证书
  • BA, German major, Russian minor, University of Arizona

Areas of Expertise

  • 教学方法,包括差别化教学和外语教学法
  • Mentoring new teachers
  • Classroom Management
  • Creative learning spaces and activities
Yvette Stuewe

Assistant Professor of Education


助理教授Yvette Stuewe教授硕士课程和教师资格认证课程. Professor Stuewe has served in Lutheran education for 28 years. Her educational experience spans across St. 约翰路德教会学校,奥兰治路德教会高中,以及欧文康考迪亚大学. In addition to 27 years of classroom experience, steewe教授曾担任各种领导职务,包括课程领导主席, Induction mentor, 奥兰治县教育部私立学校队列的入职助理首席导师, Conference Presenter, President of the Lutheran Educators Conference Committee, Director of Curriculum, WASC Visiting Team Member, and Associate Director of Orange Lutheran Online. In February of 2023, 她在奥斯汀举行的全国数字学习年会(DLAC)上发表了演讲, Texas.

斯图威教授是一个小组的成员,该小组试点了一个一对一的中学笔记本电脑项目, and she taught in a one-to-one setting for fourteen years, 获得许多不同学习平台和数字工具的经验. She is a National Board Certified Teacher. 她真正把教学视为一门艺术,重视反思性教学实践. 她不仅在制作有效的课程和与学生建立关系方面找到了激情, she also finds great value in collaborating with other educators. 斯图维教授目前正在攻读诺瓦东南大学的教学技术和远程教育博士学位.


  • 教育博士候选人:诺瓦东南大学教学技术与远程教育
  • M.A. Curriculum and Instruction,Concordia University Irvine
  • Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Concordia University Irvine
  • B.S. Bachelor of Science, History, University of California, Santa Barbara

Areas of Expertise

  • Instructional Design
  • Planning and Assessment
  • Instructional Technology
  • Online and Distance Learning
  • Reflective Teaching Practices


Jackie Franke

Field Experience/TPA Coordinator

Mrs. 弗兰克将学生安排在当地学校,以获得两项必要的实地经验, 通常在大三(20小时)和学术课程结束时(40小时). 教师绩效评估与实地经验相结合.

杰基·弗兰克从奥拉西搬到美国后,在教育领域工作了31年, Kansas to Mission Viejo, CA with her husband and three children. 她在曼哈顿的堪萨斯州立大学获得言语病理学和听力学学士学位, Kansas. 2007年,她进入康考迪亚大学欧文分校完成她的多学科证书和教育硕士学位.

Mrs. 弗兰克已经在康科迪亚教育学院的教师资格认证项目工作了12年,担任过几个不同的职位.  As TPA Coordinator, Mrs. 弗兰克负责监督加州教师绩效评估的各个方面, 州要求所有教师候选人获得初步资格证书. 她也是实地经验协调员,并安排所有教师候选人进行两次早期实地经验. One of the joys of this position is visiting principals and teachers. During these visits, Mrs. 弗兰克收到了关于康考迪亚大学欧文分校候选人准备得如何的积极反馈, 这反过来又鼓励与当地学校和地区合作,指导我们的教师候选人.

Academic Advisor/Credential Analyst

Sara Franko


Sara Franko担任教育学院教师资格认证项目的研究生顾问和资格分析师. Sara的教育生涯始于2003年,当时她开始在一所大型高中教授社会科学, urban high school in Los Angeles. In 2007, 她的职业生涯将她搬到了奥兰治县,在那里她继续在高中教授社会科学, as well as served as department chair, subject matter specialist, PBIS lead teacher, and head cheer coach. 作为现场和地区一级的专业领导者,尤其是作为专业新手的导师,Sara对继续教育的热情与日俱增. Being the first in her family to graduate from college, she understands the value of education and being a life-long learner.

萨拉和她的两个女儿住在奥兰治县. 她喜欢与家人共度时光,并继续作为一名教育者和所有年轻人的导师. 她期待着与康考迪亚大学欧文分校的社区分享她的旅程.


  • M.A. in Teaching with a focus in Secondary Education (2004)
  • California Single Subject Clear Credential in Social Science (2003)
  • California Single Subject Clear Credential in Social Science (2003)

Department Assistant


Nick is the Department Assistant in the School of Education, primarily working with the Teacher Credential Program. He is very excited to be a part of the Concordia University team. 他一直有一颗教育的心,甚至在追求多学科教学证书方面采取了初步步骤. 尼克在奥兰治县长大,喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光. 他对教育充满热情,并期待着帮助学生继续追求改变生活,积极影响当地和全球社区.

Kathy Mueller


Taylor Touchstone

Graduate Admissions Counselor


泰勒加入了教育学院和招生部门,担任教练和体育管理硕士的招生顾问. She hails to Irvine from Bakersfield, California. 当她高三的时候,她参观了菲律宾十大网赌网站,并爱上了那里的氛围, environment and overall campus life. 2014年至2018年,她是康科迪亚网球队的一员,是一名四年老鹰运动员. She is family oriented and enjoys spending time with her parents, Tom and Tiffany, as well as her sister, Tessa. Taylor is a double alumni, 2018年,她获得了运动运动科学学士学位,2019年,她获得了运动运动科学与教练硕士学位. 我很高兴能成为欧文康考迪亚大学MCAA球队的一员.

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