
菲律宾十大网赌网站 are not only an important part of the ATW experience, they often involve some of the most exciting adventures. 课程通常在“现场”举行," meaning that students discuss and learn about a historical document in the very place the text was composed. The ATW learning community is an adventure in itself because most students have never shared an identical class schedule with 25 of their closest friends. 没有浅层, 毫无意义的“小组项目”, ATW的合作是由教师主导的, 负责任的, 并且受到团队内部的激励. The students come together to accomplish a staggering academic feat, reading thousands of pages of primary sources and writing over 100 pages of research and creative analysis. The aim of the ATW professors is to prepare the students to solve complex issues by guiding them through a multidisciplinary curriculum that will sharpen and expand the students' intellectual capacity.


The courses listed below will inform and inspire you along your journey around the world. Papers will be written on tablets and texts read on Kindles so you can save space in your backpack.



The 后现代主义小说 course leads students into direct conflict with some of the most pressing and controversial political and social issues of each country. 阅读, 讲座, 讨论, and assessments engage important tools from postcolonial theory and technical literary analysis. Students will finish the class with a new set of analytical tools with which to attack and digest literature from a diverse cultural landscape.


  • 暴力之地
  • 红色之心
  • 40条规则
  • 这次事故
  • 《皇家幽灵:故事
  • 在榕树下



The 史诗文学 course engages some of the oldest, most foundational ideas of each culture. This course will study the literary and sacred masterpieces from the countries visited during the Around-the-World semester and examine these texts in light of their historical context, 文学技巧, 宗教的作用, and the question of personal and national identity.


  • 非洲传说、神话、 & 读书人剧场的民间故事
  • Kindle《古兰经》
  • 罗摩衍那
  • 《十大正规赌平台平台》
  • 耆那经(第二部分)
  • The Forest of Thieves and the Magic Garden: An Anthology of Medieval Jain Stories
  • Guru Granth Sahib -英文版



This course will introduce the basic concepts of international service and development projects as it prepares students for the rigor and routines of the 环游世界学期 and gives students the tools to begin studying, 服务, 在国外旅行18个星期.

Understanding Other Cultures Anthropologically


Students will study theories of cross-cultural adaptation, 适应环境, 和同化. Occurring before their departure for the study-abroad country, students will be better prepared to make the transition to their new home and develop an awareness of others and self, and become more effective observers of internal (intra-personal) changes, 以及外部(人际)发现.



组织的全球化, 公营及私营, and their multicultural make-up requires today's citizens to have a solid cross-cultural competence, involving an understanding of one's own culture and communication preferences, 识别他人的喜好, and having a flexible behavioral repertoire to bridge cultural differences.



This course will provide specific applications for learning a new foreign language and understanding English structure and usage, 包括音响系统, 构词法, 语法, 语法, 意义的表达, 变异, 词源, and/or change; cultural and artistic uses of languages; and comparison of oral and written aspects of language.



This course is meant to bring the practical service experience to students as they take responsibility for a variety of service projects that will challenge them, not only as they prepare ahead of time for outreach, but also as they adapt to sharing messages of love and forgiveness.


  • Serving with Eyes Wide Open: Doing Short-Term Missions with Cultural Intelligence
  • Pursuing Justice: The Call to Live and Die for Bigger Things
  • Friendship at the Margins: Discovering Mutuality in Service and Mission
  • Finding Calcutta: What Mother Teresa Taught Me 关于 Meaningful Work and Service
  • Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream



The 游记 course involves reading and creating nonfiction essays in the style and fashion of great artistic legends like Graham Greene, 保罗·泰鲁, 和Pico Ayer, as well as current artists like Rolf Potts and Jan Morris. Students learn and practice ethnographic research and backpack journalism as they write about thirty-five pages of essays, 配置文件, 文学新闻, 和评论. Assignments will require students to observe and engage with people in various countries where they are volunteering and studying.


  • Marco Polo Didn’t Go There: Stories and Revelations from One Decade as a Postmodern 旅行 Writer
  • Pass The Butterworms: Remote Journeys Oddly Rendered
  • Video Night in Kathmandu: And Other Reports from the Not-So-Far East
  • The Kindness of Strangers (Lonely Planet 旅行 Literature)


Dr. 约翰·诺顿大头照

Dr. 约翰·诺顿
