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Adjunct Professor of Communication Studies

Assistant Professor of Communication Studies

Konrad Hack

Previous Experience

  • 2007年秋季- 2017年春季:菲律宾十大网赌网站法医学主任 & Assistant Professor in Comm Studies
  • 2006年秋至2007年春:惠顿学院法医学主任 & Visiting Instructor in Comm Studies
  • 2001年秋至2006年春:阿苏萨太平洋大学法医学主任 & Instructor in Comm Studies
  • 1996年秋至2011年春:洛马拿撒勒点大学法医学助理主任和通信研究客座讲师


  • Master of Arts in Communication - San Diego State University
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication - Biola University

Research Interests

  • Computer Mediated Communication
  • Intercollegiate Forensics
  • Communication and Grief (new interest area)

Classes Taught at Concordia

  • COM 111: Public Speaking
  • COM 200: Gateway to Communication Studies
  • COM 211: Introduction to Argumentation and Debate
  • COM 211H: Introduction to Argumentation and Debate: Honors
  • COM 280: Theories of Human Communication
  • COM 335: Nonverbal Communication
  • COM 340: Persuasion & Attitude Change
  • COM 451: Organizational Communication
  • COM 488: Communication Research Methods

Assistant Professor of Communication Studies

Lucas Hatlen

Adjunct Professor of Communication Studies

Associate Professor of Communication Studies

Erin Nelson


Dr. Erin Nelson是奥兰治县本地人,喜欢成为CUI家庭的一员. 她的研究兴趣包括人际和家庭沟通,重点是健康, 特别是癌症患者如何管理他们的不确定性和对家人的披露. She has recently been published in Health Communication, 一篇题为“网络陷害癌症:癌症博客上有价值的网络应对的探索性调查”的文章.她是国家通信协会的成员,发表过25篇会议论文, published three book chapters, 他正在从事许多关于健康和人际交往问题的研究项目. 她对教学充满热情,当你报名参加她的课程时,你肯定能看出来. 她建立个人关系,并帮助指导她的学生实现未来的愿望. 你可以随时来拜访她,因为她喜欢了解我们的传播学专业!


  • Ph.D. Communication - University of Texas at Austin
  • M.A. Communication - San Diego State University
  • B.A. Communication - University of California, Santa Barbara


  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Health Communication
  • Family Communication


  • Emily Scheinfeld, Katlyn Gangi, Erin C. Nelson & Catherine C. Sinardi(2021),《菲律宾十大网赌网站》, Health Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2021.1886413
  • Donovan, E., Nelson, E. C., & Scheinfeld, E. (2016). 网络框架癌症:癌症博客中有价值的网络应对的探索性调查. Health Communication.
  • Vangelisti, A. L., & Nelson, E. C. (2015). The morality of revealing secrets. In V.Waldron, & D. Kelley (Eds.), Moral talk across the lifespan: Creating good relationships. New York: Peter Lang Publishing
  • Hanan, J., Bagley, M., & Nelson, E. (2014). Sources for your presentation. In J. L. Ford, K. Stimpson, & J. Daly (Eds.), Professional communication skills (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Bolkan, S. & Nelson, E. (2014). Speaking to inform. In J. L. Ford, K. Stimpson, & J. Daly (Eds.), Professional communication skills (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Classes Taught at Concordia

  • COM 280: Theories of Human Communication
  • COM 335: Nonverbal Communication
  • COM 340: Persuasion & Attitude
  • COM 371: Introduction to Social Media
  • COM 471: Advanced Strategies in Social Media

Curriculum Vitae

Adjunct Professor of Communication Studies

Professor & Chair of Communication Studies

David Schulz

Previous Experience

David P. 舒尔茨在贝灵汉的西华盛顿大学获得传播学文学学士学位, Washington. 随后,他获得了内华达大学汉克格林斯本新闻与媒体研究学院的文学硕士学位, 在拉斯维加斯,他指导演讲和辩论队,并教授公开演讲课程, argumentation, and interpersonal communication from 1996 to 1998. Schulz moved to State College, 他在宾夕法尼亚州立大学就读,并于2002年春天获得了语音交流博士学位. While at Penn State, David曾担任该校全州继续教育和远程学习项目的协调员,并负责对工程学院的博士生进行年度评估. Dr. 舒尔茨还在全州范围内为IBM和泰科等公司提供培训项目. In 2002, Dr. 舒尔茨接受了加州州立大学斯坦尼斯劳斯分校的全职助理教授职位. As a member of the Communication Studies Department faculty, David taught courses in Rhetorical Theory, Persuasive Messages, Intercultural Communication, and Advanced Presentational Speaking. 他为凯撒医院、伊曼纽尔医院和其他组织举办了许多培训项目. In 2006, Dr. 舒尔茨接受了埃弗雷特三一路德学院(Trinity Lutheran College)的邀请,设计并主持一个新的传播系, Washington. He led two study abroad trips to Greece and Italy, taught courses such as Rhetorical Theory, Persuasive Campaigns, 并在2016年学院关闭前担任副院长一职. 舒尔茨自2016年以来一直在康考迪亚大学欧文分校任教,担任传播研究系主任, a CUI Bono member, 并担任CUI暑期研究所(SRI)学生导师. Dr. Schulz has published numerous peer reviewed articles, book chapters, 并与人合著了一本关于社会运动的书,这本书被用在美国和世界各地的本科课程中.


  • Ph.D. - (The Pennsylvania State University) 2002
  • Master of Arts - (The University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 1998
  • Bachelor of Arts - (Western Washington University) 1996
  • Associate of Arts - (Clark College) 1994


  • Dr. 舒尔茨研究修辞学理论与社会运动等领域实践的交叉点, public/collective memory, and rhetorics of science and technology.

Published Books

  • Bowers, Ochs, Jensen & Schulz (2010) The Rhetoric of Agitation and Control (3rd ed.).
  • Longrove, Illinois: Waveland Press

Book Chapters

  • “Social Controversy and Public Address: Introduction.” In R. Jensen (Ed.(2017)第9卷:美国修辞史:20世纪60年代和70年代初东兰辛的社会争议和公共演讲, MI: Michigan State University Press.
  • 促进社会公正理论服务学习实践.” In J. Calderon (Ed.) Race, Poverty, and Social Justice (2007). Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Peer Reviewed Publication

  • 运动研究中激荡与控制修辞的根源.” (2013). Poroi 9 (2).
  • “Bodies upon the gears: Public indignation for social change.” In R. Rowland (Ed.) Reasoned Argument & Social Change (2012). Annandale VA: National Communication Association.
  • Schulz, D. & Reyes, G. M. (2008). “Ward Churchill and the Politics of Public Memory.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 11 (4).
  • 促进社会公正理论服务学习实践.” In J. Calderon (Ed.) Race, Poverty, and Social Justice (2007). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  • “Mobilizing museums: Visual Arguments at the George H. W. Bush (41) Museum.” In P. Riley (Ed.) Engaging Argument (2006). Annandale VA: National Communication Association.
  • Batt, S. & Schulz, D. “Design Principles for Competitive Debate Formats.” In C. Willard (Ed.) Critical Problems in Argumentation (2005). Annandale, VA: National Communication Association.

Books Reviewed in Scholarly Journals

  • 《十大正规赌平台平台》,12月在网络文化研究资源中心发表书评, 2006.
  • “数字时代的批判性读写能力”发表于《十大正规赌平台平台》, 90 (1) February, 2004.
  • 《机器文明化:美国的技术与共和价值观, 1776 - 1900” Book reviewed in The Quarterly Journal of Speech, 87 (1) February, 2001.

Classes Taught at Concordia

  • COM 111: Public Speaking
  • COM 311: Advanced Public Speaking
  • COM 340: Rhetorical and Persuasive Theories
  • COM 400: Capstone
  • COM 485: Rhetorical Criticism

Extracurricular Activities

  • CUI Bono
We are what we speak.

Newspaper Advisor
Adjunct Professor of Communication Studies

Caroline Wong

Previous Experience

  • Project Director, Marketing & Special Events - The Orange County Register
  • Project Manager, iPad Team - The Orange County Register
  • Senior Promotions Producer - KTTV FOX 11 and MY13, Los Angeles
  • 营销制片人,KTTV福克斯11和福克斯体育网西部,洛杉矶


  • MBA (Marketing) - California State University, Fullerton
  • BFA (Film/Television and Marketing) - New York University

Research Interests


Classes Taught at Concordia

  • COM 222: Journalism
  • Newspaper 1,3,5 & 2,4,6

Extracurricular Activities

黄教授喜欢偶尔和我们的学生记者一起出去完成任务. “康考迪亚正在发生伟大的事情,我们有幸在我们的学生报纸上捕捉到它们, The Concordia Courier," she states.

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