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Economics Major



  • Economics
  • ACT 211:财务会计
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Basic elements of accounting and methods of gathering and reporting financial data will be examined in this course, 包括财务报表的研究, 记录财务交易, 营销活动, 房地产投资, plant and equipment; and depreciation as it applies to corporations. Prerequisite: BUS 201.

  • BDA 337:商业数据分析入门
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This is an introductory course teaching applied job skills in close connection to the concepts and theories that drive the daily decisions relevant to data analysis and business intelligence. Each module focuses on a primary theme with real world cases where students will start by grappling with business problems and the underlying data to methodically drill down and solve problems from a technical approach. 这些主题包括, 统计学的应用, 数据可视化工具在Excel, linear regression, time‐series, 分类算法, and bias in data.

  • BUS 201:管理、市场营销和信息技术导论
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This survey course will look at today's American business systems including a study of various types of businesses and the information they gather, store, and process, 包括行政和人员管理, facilities, and information. Course will include relevant computer experience simulating business situations.

  • 商业分析工具和商业统计
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This course will focus on business analysis and problem solving strategies through the application of Microsoft Excel and deployment of business statistics analytics.

  • 总线483:商业道德
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The purpose of this course is to develop a foundation for business ethical decision making and ethical evaluation. The focus includes global and domestic economic, social and legal environmental issues. Ideals, laws and values are evaluated with application of Business Ethics theory and philosophy. Case studies and classical literature underscore learning modalities embracing ethical decision making and analysis. 这是以前工作的成果. 先决条件:商务或经济专业,本科以上学历.

  • ECO 201:宏观经济学
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This is a survey course of the scope and methods of the study of the principles of macroeconomics. 主题将包括家庭和企业的决策, supply and demand, 市场运作和价格决定, 在不同的经济制度下对社会福利的评估, 国际贸易和外汇, financial markets, 政府在经济政策中的作用和目标.

  • ECO 202:微观经济学
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这是一门涵盖微观经济学原理的课程. 主题将包括家庭和企业的决策, supply and demand, 市场运作和价格决定, international trade, 产业组织要素和不同程度的竞争, 以及在不同的经济体系中对社会福利的评估.

  • ECO 221:经济思想史
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这是一门从1600年到2000年的经济思想史的概览课程, 侧重于主要作品和他们的历史背景的讨论. 主要作者包括斯密、马克思、马歇尔和凯恩斯. 调查的具体政策领域包括内部改进, money and banking, tariffs, trade, antitrust, and regulation. 推荐的先决条件:ECO 201.

  • ECO 321: Econometrics
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这门课是研究计量经济学, providing techniques for the quantitative measurement and analysis of actual economic and business phenomena. 先决条件:满足通识教育数学要求, ECO 201和ECO 202和(MTH 252或MTH 271).

  • 中级微观经济学
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This course uses principles of economic and statistical analysis in management decision making and practical problem solving; demand evaluation and sales forecasting; cost and profitability analysis; pricing policy; uncertainty and risk, and use of case studies. 先决条件:满足通识教育数学要求和ECO 202.

  • ECO 428:中级宏观经济学和公共政策
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This course uses economic methodology to evaluate the economic methods used in, 以及驱动的目的, 美国经济公共政策的发展.S., focusing on the role of government in shaping social policy and its impact on individuals. 学生将(a)完成一篇文章,描述最近在美国的一项研究.S. economic policy event, and (b) an essay describing the economic justification for recent public policy in one (1) of the following three (3) topics: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics; Economics of Health; or Economics of Education. Prerequisites: fulfillment of general education math requirement and ECO 201和ECO 202和(MTH 252或MTH 271).

  • 经济专业论文
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This capstone course will integrate and apply key economic theory and models through the student's original choice of research; evaluation of the thesis will be by committee. 商务考试费用. 前提条件:高级地位经济学专业和ECO 221和ECO 321.

  • FIN 331: Finance
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This is an introductory course to the principles and practices of managerial finance, 筹集资金的来源和方法, cash flow analysis, 财务报表分析, financial markets, 还有股东权益问题. Additional concepts will include decision making with risk and use of operation and financial leverage. 先决条件:通识教育数学要求和ACT 211.

  • MTH 252:微积分导论
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This course, for non-math majors, will study the limits and the foundations of differential and integral calculus with an emphasis on applications. 使用技术(图形计算器,网站,Maple)将被使用. 先决条件:AMTH 101或CMTH 101或MTH 201或同等学历C-或以上.

  • 从下列选项中选择3项:
  • BDA 338:数据争论和决策制定
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Data wrangling transforms and maps raw data into formats highly useful for analytics and improved decision making. The course is structured to provide students with in‐demand job skills in SQL focusing on real‐world applications from companies such as YouTube and Kickstarter. 在线讲座的组合, live discussions with course instructors and classmates refine student capability in applying SQL tools (no coding experience is required) to business situations. Prerequisite: BDA 337.

  • ECO 323:货币和金融市场
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本课程概述金融市场和金融机构, money markets, stocks, bonds, foreign currency, and derivatives. 前提条件:ECO 201或ECO 202.

  • ECO 340:道德、社会政策和经济学
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This course will begin with a review of classical economic concepts and methods, 以及对道德基本原则的回顾. The course will then turn to topics where “moral” social choice is often discussed, 比如减轻人类的痛苦, government assistance, pollution, crime, and poverty. The course will conclude by evaluating the methods and government programs that economics suggests can influence moral choice, and the obstacles inherent in the implementation and delivery of such programs. 推荐前提条件:ECO 201或ECO 202.

  • ECO 429:环境、气候和可持续性
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This course is an overview of topics surrounding the assessment of humankind’s interaction and use of the environment, the effect on climate, 以及对长期可持续性的评估. 使用环境和经济的概念和方法, 该课程将涵盖诸如评估自然资源的方法等主题, 适当减轻外部性(如污染)的方法, 评估发展活动. 本课程还将评估自然资源的可用性和利用, 耗竭和可再生, such as energy, water, land, and forests. Finally, 本课程将评估围绕气候变化的相关主题, 包括它的测量, causes, 影响(震级和地理分布), 以及潜在的反应. Throughout the course students will learn the relevant government agencies and legal processes surrounding the environment, climate, and sustainability. 推荐前提条件:ECO 201或ECO 202.

  • FIN 445:国际金融
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本课程将解释公司战略, opportunities, 以及筹集资金的流程, investing, and developing financial relationships with global partners including a review of global stock markets, money exchanges, 以及外国金融机构. Prerequisite: FIN 331.

Current students, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. Please refer to the Academic Catalog 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.

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