
Dr. Song's Piano Icon Method has all the Answers

How can we teach to make “reverberant sound” from the very beginning?
How can we teach “self-Motivated” piano practice?
Generate more income for your piano studio?

博士的画像. JoySong


The Piano Icon method deals with and educates both students and teachers about the most 有趣的damental and difficult questions in piano playing through the usage of piano icons. The most complicated musical and technical ideas are represented through the usage of scientifically developed piano icons. Dr.Song’s sensational Piano Icon Method Pedagogy is designed to awaken the hidden musical talents of children, arousing their sense of hearing and reading. This method also helps children with eyes to hands muscle coordination through the scientifically developed piano icons leading to self-driven, 自律, being able to internalize the most difficult technique of piano playing. Students who study with 钢琴图标研究 books certified teachers learn to discover their hidden talents in piano playing, build the ability to love and appreciate music, able to 有创意的ly interpret and express emotions through music, and absorb the most difficult technical concepts.

What are you learning from the 钢琴图标研究 Certification program?

As a comprehensive guide to basic technique and musical expression, The 钢琴图标研究 method quickly and effectively establishes important principles for high quality piano performance by also drawing on physiological research and applying lesson plans in an energetic, 有创意的, 有趣的是. This Certification program provides piano teachers 有创意的 textbooks full of innovative ideas, 工具, and applications that have been successfully and consistently proven to work. Piano teachers in this system teach exclusively with these materials and have full access to a community of teachers, 教师培训, and mentorship directly from the global professors and mentors with Dr. 欢乐的歌.


Dr. 乔松的儿童读物

1月. 12, 19, 22, 26, 29, & 2月. 1
上午8:30 -晚上10:30

Who already passed 钢琴图标研究 Course I

Borland-Manske中心 in Concordia University Irvine, Room 063 (Keyboard Lab)

1. 常规课程

Participants who registered for the regular courses will not have private lessons during the program; they will only attend the classes. However, if you wish to have private lessons, you can do so by paying a separate fee of $100.00 /小时.  Upon completion of the first session of the teacher's certification program, you will be eligible to purchase the piano icon series books that were studied during the course for a period of 6 months. This eligibility will be extended if you decide to enroll in the next course.

2. 高级课程

Participants who registered for the premium course will receive private lessons during the program in addition to the regular classes, 不需要额外费用. Please plan to allocate time for the private lessons after the scheduled classes. Upon completion of the first session of the program, you will be eligible to purchase the piano icon series books until you enroll in the next course. We believe this is our best offer for providing this course and hope it will contribute to your career development.



Dr. 欢乐的歌

Dr. 歌欢乐

Dr. 快乐J. Song is regarded as an innovator in the field of piano pedagogy. Her educational piano materials and practical 心理学 books on personality types are widely acclaimed in her home country of South Korea. Dr. Song entered the American market with Sonatine Secrets which was introduced at MTA-California by Hal Leonard and was praised as an innovative, 有趣的, and effective way for students to study essential repertoire. A review in American 音乐 Teacher (2月./ 3月. 2014) described the book as providing first-rate musical concepts for younger students with a method utilizing 有趣的, computer-style图标. 她的书, 送给钢琴家的礼物, a textbook on piano performance, has been an asset for teaching all ages of piano students for more than twenty years. The review in AMT (May/June 2016) described 送给钢琴家的礼物 as a systematic resource for understanding and presenting a healthy approach to sound production. Dr. Song started her study of piano at age five and went on to receive a BM, MFA, and DMA (ABD) in Piano Performance as well as a DMA in Piano Pedagogy. She has also received various certifications in the fields of early childhood development, 音乐教育, 心理学, 生活指导.

Dr. 以斯帖年代. 李

Dr. 以斯帖年代. 李

以斯帖年代. 李, born into a musical family, embarked on her musical journey at the age of six. She received a distinguished education from prestigious institutions in Korea, 德国, 和美国. Her professional studies began in Korea at Yewon Art School, 首尔艺术高中, and Seoul National University. In 2005, she continued her education at Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover in 德国, completing both her undergraduate and graduate studies. 随后, she furthered her musical expertise at Hochschule für Musik Detmold, completing her postgraduate program Konzertexamen. 搬到加州后, she successfully earned her Doctor of 音乐al Arts degree at the University of Southern California's Thornton School of 音乐, with guidance from Professor Bernadene Blaha. 李 now resides in Orange County and pursues her career as a teacher, recording engineer at CS 音乐 Entertainment, 还有一个表演者, both as a soloist and as a chamber musician.

Dr. 之前崔


Dr. 崔贤珠(之前崔)收到了她的M.M和D.M.A degree in piano performance from Michigan State University under Yong hi Moon. 完成她的D.M.A. degree in Michigan State University, Dr. Choi has been recipient of scholarship with working as staff accompanist in the same school. Since she moved to California, she has served as a staff accompanist at Hope International University and Saddleback College. She was also teaching piano lesson in Flint School of Performing Arts and pianoforte. She has performed and studied in worldwide music festival such as the Millennium Keyboard Festival in Spain, The Banff Keyboard Festival and The Orford 音乐 Festival in Canada, and The Chautauqua institute Summer Festival in New York. As a soloist and chamber musician, Dr. Choi performed Rachmaninoff 2nd concerto as keyboardist in Contemporary 音乐 night with Flint Orchestra, 真正的新音乐2009, and many solo recitals in Auditorium of Michigan State University.


  • 有资格购买Dr.欢乐的歌的偶像礼物 piano method books
  • 参与博士.宋氏专题研讨会
  • Eligible to take the next level of the certification courses
  • Global members of JoySong Piano Icon International Group



For more information about the Concordia Summer Academy, please feel free to contact us Dr. 之前崔.


Dr. 之前崔
(949) 214-3423
