


Miracle at Philadelphia: The Story of the Constitutional Convention May – September 1787 凯瑟琳·德林克-鲍恩著

This is a classic “must read” narrative account for the Constitutional Convention during which delegates from 12 of the 13 newly independent American states created the framework which gave birth to a new nation. Working from diaries and notes of delegates who attended the Convention and contemporary newspapers and pamphlets, Bowen provides an almost daily account of the debates and the issues that threatened to disrupt the proceedings and even prevent the establishment of the United States – slavery, 大国和小国之间的竞争, 以及南北之间的竞争.


爱你的敌人 阿瑟·布鲁克斯

Arthur Brooks boldly confronts the growing division and anger that dominate our politics and increasingly other aspects of our lives. As both an academic and practical observer of American culture and politics and President of the American Enterprise Institute, Brooks identifies an “outrage industrial complex” that prospers by creating a “culture of contempt” – the habit of seeing people who disagree with us not as merely incorrect, 而是毫无价值和缺陷. He demonstrates convincingly that abuse and outrage are not the right formula for lasting success, but that getting us to agree more with each other is not the answer. 毕竟,分歧是成功的秘诀. 此外, competition and cooperation are not opposites; rather, 它们不仅兼容, 但每一个都是必要的.


American Treasures: The Secret Efforts to Save the Declaration of Independence, 宪法和葛底斯堡演说 斯蒂芬·普利奥

读起来像历史侦探小说, this tour through how our nation’s priceless documents were preserved begins with smuggling the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution out of Washington just days before the British burned the capital in 1814. More than a century later they were whisked away to Fort Knox in Kentucky along with hundreds of other documents to avoid possible attacks on the Atlantic coast of America by German naval forces at the onset of World War II. Why the seven hundred year-old British Magna Carta was among them is a part of the tale along with Dolly Madison’s quick thinking that saved her husband’s irreplaceable notes from the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Readers will also get a brief but solid history of these invaluable documents.


批准:人民辩论宪法(1787 - 1788) 作者:Pauline Maier

起草宪法是困难的, 在小国和大国之间设计妥协方案, 工业v. agrarian interests, and more, including the most controversial issue of all – slavery.  But when the Constitutional Convention adjourned, its work resulted in a proposal only. Unless approved (ratified) by at least nine of the thirteen states, it would not go into effect. 事实上, t在这里 was serious opposition to the Constitution and two states did not ratify until after the First Congress convened on March 4, 1789, 乔治·华盛顿于4月30日宣誓就任总统, 1789.

批准过程混乱而嘈杂.  《菲律宾十大网赌网站》提出了批准的理由.  咖啡馆和小酒馆里的争论十分激烈. 妇女们在她们的客厅里加入了辩论.  报纸和小册子拥护各种各样的观点. Demands for protection of rights fought for during the Revolutionary War were central to the discussion. 要真正了解宪法的历史和意义, 理解批准是至关重要的.


仇恨:为什么我们应该用言论自由而不是审查制度来抵制它 作者:Nadine Strossen

A Professor of Constitutional Law and the first woman national President of the American Civil Liberties Union, Nadine Strossen provides a thoughtful and powerful essay of interest to political conservatives and liberals alike – dispelling misunderstandings plaguing our perennial debates about “hate speech v. 言论自由.”

检查你. S. 并引用了其他国家的仇恨言论法, Strossen argues that the best way to resist hate and promote 平等 is not censorship, 而是, 有力的“反言论”和激进主义. She concludes that “the progress we already have made [with respect to liberty, 平等, 民主, individual well-being and societal harmony] – through more speech, 而不是更少——应该鼓励我们坚持到底. 我们所有人都必须行使最基本的权利, 为了促进这些至关重要的事业:不保持沉默的权利.

查看与Nadine Strossen的对话 在这里.


弗雷德里克·道格拉斯:自由的先知 作者:David W. 枯萎病

生为奴隶,二十岁时逃跑, Douglass mastered the skill of reading and writing to become one of the greatest writers of his era and a celebrated orator for the cause of abolition. 对圣经有相当知识的信徒, 他警告美国人奴隶制的罪恶, advised President Abraham Lincoln and is considered by many to be the African American founder of the nation’s second republic – a new nation arising from the Civil War.

其中之一 《菲律宾十大网赌网站》年度十佳书籍, this monumental biography is a must for anyone who wants to understand the complete history of the United States.


Witnesses at the Creation: Hamilton, Madison, Jay and the Constitution 作者:Richard B. 莫里斯

在1787年宪法起草之后, 该条约的起草者为获得批准曾面临一场艰苦的战斗. Detractors were quick to point out its flaws as well as seizing on the peoples’ opposition to a strong national government which, 他们担心, would threaten the independence and authority of the individual states. 亚历山大•汉密尔顿, James Madison and John Jay sought to explain the new Constitution section by section to counter arguments of its opponents and assuage the concerns of the people.

最初作为一系列报纸文章印刷的, the individual papers were soon circulated in book form and became the most authoritative explanation of the Constitution and why is should be ratified. Witnesses is a vivid story of three men and their unparalleled contribution to the founding of the United States.

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