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The 写作工作室’s annual report contains information and statistics about 写作工作室 and 在线 写作 Lab (OWL) use, 客户, special projects, and research in a given academic year. A brief summary is below.

你也可以 download the complete 2022-2023 annual report.

2022-2023 Brief Summary

This annual report includes data for Concordia University’s onsite 写作工作室 and 在线 写作 Lab (OWL). 写作工作室 data was collected between August 29, 2022 (opening day) and May 5, 2023 (closing day). Because the 在线 写作 Lab (OWL) runs year-around, data for OWL was collected from June 1, 2022年至5月31日, 2023.

All 写作工作室 activities were held in person this year, including pre-semester training, bi-monthly staff meetings, and one-on-one sessions 与 student-writers. We continued to host virtual writing workshops, since they allow both undergraduate and graduate students access to our workshop resources. We also continued to facilitate Zoom consultations for students in quarantine for COVID-19.

The 写作工作室 and OWL together had 3,592 consultations/submissions 1692个客户. 另外, the 写作工作室 conducted twelve virtual writing workshops for graduate and undergraduate students on a variety of topics, including APA format, 分段, personal statements, integrating outside sources, and writing concisely. The 写作工作室 saw a 2% 增加 in number of appointments this year; the OWL, however, saw an 减少19% in number of submissions.

The slight 增加 in 写作工作室 appointments reflects our efforts to improve our advertising on campus, continued faculty support, and partnership 与 the first-year composition instructors and science department faculty. The decrease in OWL submissions this year may reflect the limited time the Assistant Director had to promote OWL services during the spring semester when the Director was on sabbatical. It may also reflect smaller enrollment in certain graduate programs, as well as the need for more frequent reminders to the graduate faculty of our services for their students.


Clientele continued to be diverse in terms of class standing, though differently from previous years. 去年, around 28% of 客户 were juniors or seniors, while this year, 20% were juniors or seniors. Compared to last year, however, the 写作工作室 saw an 增加18% in number of freshmen 客户 and an 增加8% in number of sophomore 客户. Overall, these numbers are encouraging since we strive to make our services useful for writers at all skill levels 和跨 所有学科.

Most 写作工作室 consultations (49%) were about papers/projects out of the English, 写作, and Modern Languages Department, followed by the Hard Sciences (11%) and the School of Business (8%).

The 在线 写作 Lab (OWL)

As in previous years, the majority of OWL submissions (90%) came from graduate students. Around 8% of submissions came from undergraduates, who might have submitted to the OWL either because 写作工作室 appointments were full, because 写作工作室 appointment times did not work 与 the students’ schedules, or because they received an assignment from an online class.

Most OWL consultations were about papers/projects out of the Department of Education (52%), the MCAA/MSCE program (29%), and the Townsend Institute (13%).

For a more detailed report, download the 2022-2023 年度报告.
